SceDeci4pDbgp: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Known NIDs: Change FW range for User/Kernel export of library)
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           SceDeci4pDbgp_073A6B4B: 0x073A6B4B
           SceDeci4pDbgp_073A6B4B: 0x073A6B4B
           SceDeci4pDbgp_0C30DE67: 0x0C30DE67
           sceDeci4pDbgpResumeAppForTestForUser: 0x0C30DE67
           SceDeci4pDbgp_6180DC1A: 0x6180DC1A
           SceDeci4pDbgp_6180DC1A: 0x6180DC1A
           SceDeci4pDbgp_E0EED45E: 0xE0EED45E
           sceDeci4pDbgpSuspendAppForTestForUser: 0xE0EED45E


Revision as of 10:00, 30 September 2022

Some functionality provided by this module seems to have been merged into SceUlobjMgr between 0.945 and 0.990.


Version World Privilege
3.60-3.65 Non-secure Kernel


Known NIDs

Version Name World Visibility NID
0.940-0.996.090 SceDeci4pDbgpForDriver Non-secure User 0xFBD04C34
1.000.071-3.65 SceDeci4pDbgpForDriver Non-secure Kernel 0xFBD04C34
3.65 SceDeci4pDbgp Non-secure User 0x40286FC4


    @brief Breakpoint handler (0.990 signature)
    @param[in] pid - UID of the process that hit the breakpoint
    @param[in] thid - UID of the thread that hit the breakpoint
    @param[in] bkpt_addr - Address of the breakpoint opcode
    @param[in] excp_ctx - Pointer to exception context (breakpoints trigger a PABT)
    @param[in] cpsr - Value of the CPSR when breakpoint was hit
    @param[in] arm_opcode - Opcode of the ARM instruction that triggered breakpoint (reversed endianness)
    @param[in] thumb_opcode - Opcode of the Thumb instruction that triggered breakpoint (reversed endianness)
    @param[in] is_thumb - 1 if CPU ran in Thumb mode when breakpoint was hit, 0 otherwise
typedef SceInt32 (SceDbgpBreakpointHandler)(ScePID pid, SceUID thid, ScePVoid bkpt_addr, SceExcpmgrExceptionContext* excp_ctx, SceUInt32 spsr, SceUInt32 arm_opcode, SceUInt16 thumb_opcode, SceBool is_thumb);

    @brief Breakpoint handler (3.60+ signature)
    @param[in] pid - UID of the process that hit the breakpoint
    @param[in] thid - UID of the thread that hit the breakpoint
    @param[in] bkpt_addr - Address of the breakpoint opcode
    @param[in] sp - Value of the stack pointer when breakpoint was hit
    @param[in] cpsr - Value of the CPSR when breakpoint was hit
    @param[in] arm_opcode - Opcode of the ARM instruction that triggered breakpoint (reversed endianness)
    @param[in] thumb_opcode - Opcode of the Thumb instruction that triggered breakpoint (reversed endianness)
    @param[in] is_thumb - 1 if CPU ran in Thumb mode when breakpoint was hit, 0 otherwise
typedef SceInt32 (SceDbgpBreakpointHandler)(ScePID pid, SceUID thid, ScePVoid bkpt_addr, SceUIntPtr sp, SceUInt32 cpsr, SceUInt32 arm_opcode, SceUInt16 thumb_opcode, SceBool is_thumb);



Version NID
0.940-0.945 0x72AE00B7
0.990-3.60 Not present

Seemingly replaced by _sceUlobjMgrStartSupportingUserlevelObject.

//On success, *ppDebugInfo receives a pointer to a 0x81000 bytes memblock
SceInt32 _sceDbgpStartSupportingAppObject(ScePVoid** ppDebugInfo);


Version NID
0.940-0.945 0x11908EDB
0.990-3.60 Not present

Seemingly replaced by _sceUlobjMgrStopSupportingUserlevelObject.

SceInt32 _sceDbgpStopSupportingAppObject(void);


Version NID
0.940-0.945 Not present
0.990-3.60 0x1D7C7BF
SceDbgpBreakpointHandler* sceDbgpGetDTraceBreakpointHandlerForDriver(void);


Version NID
0.940-0.945 Not present
0.990-3.60 0x0509AC51

In 0.990-0.995, this handles bkpt #0x90. Seems to handle breakpoints with code < 0x7F in 3.60.

void sceDbgpSetDTraceBreakpointHandlerForDriver(SceDbgpBreakpointHandler* handler);


Version NID
0.940-0.995 Not present
3.60 0x7251789E

Sets handler for bkpt #0x90.

void SceDeci4pDbgpForDriver_7251789E(SceDbgpBreakpointHandler* handler);


Version NID
0.940-0.995 Not present
3.60 0x9CD5EE8C

Get handler set by SceDeci4pDbgpForDriver_7251789E.

SceDbgpBreakpointHandler* SceDeci4pDbgpForDriver_9CD5EE8C(void);


         SceDeci4pDbgp_073A6B4B: 0x073A6B4B
         sceDeci4pDbgpResumeAppForTestForUser: 0x0C30DE67
         SceDeci4pDbgp_6180DC1A: 0x6180DC1A
         sceDeci4pDbgpSuspendAppForTestForUser: 0xE0EED45E