SceIofilemgr: Difference between revisions

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Line 258: Line 258:
| 0x0000 || 0x1A90 || unknown
| 0x0000 || 0x1A90 || unknown
| 0x1A90 || 0x700 || array of 32 elements of mount_point_info
| 0x1A90 || 0x700 || array of 32 elements of vfs_mount_point_info
| 0x2190 || 0x10 || unknown
| 0x2190 || 0x10 || unknown

Revision as of 18:25, 14 February 2017

SceIofilemgr is the primary interface for file IO. Read File Management for more information on file IO.


This module exists in only in non-secure world. The SELF can be found in os0:kd/iofilemgr.skprx.

Known NIDs

Version Name World Privilege NID
1.69 SceIofilemgr Non-secure Kernel 0x3E244C17


This module is accessible by usermode.

Known NIDs

Version Name World Visibility NID
1.69 SceIofilemgrForDriver Non-secure Kernel 0x40FD29C7
1.69 SceIofilemgr Non-secure User 0xF2FF276E

Mount Points

This table is stored in data segment of SceIofilemgr as array of mount_point_info elements

Unix Mount Dev Major Dev Minor Filesystem Vita Mount Block Device VSH Mount Id
/tty 0x4000020 0x6003 dummy_ttyp_dev_fs tty dummy_ttyp_dev_fs 0x0
/dev 0x10 0x3 sdstor_dev_fs sdstor0: sd 0x1
/md 0x10 0x2003 md_dev_fs md0: md 0x2
/sd/exfat 0x2030001 0x30002 exfat sd0: sdstor0:ext-pp-act-a, sdstor0:ext-lp-act-entire 0x100
/os/exfat 0x1000001 0x1002 exfat os0: sdstor0:int-lp-act-os 0x200
/vs/exfat 0x1000001 0x1002 exfat vs0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-vsh 0x300
/vd/exfat 0x1000001 0x10002 exfat vd0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-vshdata 0x400
/tm/exfat 0x1000001 0x10002 exfat tm0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-vtrm 0x500
/ur/exfat 0x1000001 0x50002 exfat ur0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-user 0x600
/ud/exfat 0x1000001 0x10002 exfat ud0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-updater 0x700
/ux/exfat 0x2020001 0x30002 exfat ux0: sdstor0:xmc-lp-ign-userext / sdstor0:int-lp-ign-userext 0x800
/gro/exfat 0x2010001 0x21002 exfat gro0: sdstor0:gcd-lp-ign-gamero 0x900
/grw/exfat 0x2010001 0x20002 exfat grw0: sdstor0:gcd-lp-ign-gamerw 0xA00
/sa/exfat 0x1000001 0x1002 exfat sa0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-sysdata 0xB00
/pd/exfat 0x1000001 0x1002 exfat pd0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-pidata 0xC00
/imc/exfat 0x2020001 0x30002 exfat imc0: sdstor0:int-lp-ign-userext 0xD00
/xmc/exfat 0x2020001 0x30002 exfat xmc0: sdstor0:xmc-lp-ign-userext 0xE00
/uma/exfat 0x2030001 0x2 exfat uma0: sdstor0:uma-pp-act-a, sdstor0:uma-lp-act-entire 0xF00
/lma/exfat 0x1 0x5 exfat lma0: / 0x10000
/lmb/exfat 0x1 0x5 exfat lmb0: / 0x20000
/mfa/exfat 0x1 0x5 exfat mfa0: / 0x50000
/mfb/exfat 0x1 0x5 exfat mfb0: / 0x60000

VFS Nodes

Module Name Comment
SceSdstor sdstor_dev_fs
SceExfatfs exfat
SceIofilemgr dummy_ttyp_dev_fs
ScePfsMgr PFS_REDIRECT_INF Redirect Pseudo Drive.
ScePfsMgr PFS_GDSD_INF Gamedata/Savedata Pseudo Drive.
ScePfsMgr PFS_AC_INF AC Pseudo Drive.

VFS Operations

  • implemented operation is marked as implemented
  • not implemented is marked as
  • return 0 placeholder is marked as 0
  • return error is marked with corresponding error name
Function sdstor_dev_fs exfat dummy_ttyp_dev_fs PFS_REDIRECT_INF PFS_GDSD_INF PFS_AC_INF
1 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
2 SCE_ERROR_ERRNO_EBUSY implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
3 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
4 implemented
7 implemented 0 implemented implemented
9 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 0 0 0 0
12 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
13 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented

VFS Node Operations

  • implemented operation is marked as implemented
  • not implemented is marked as
  • return 0 placeholder is marked as 0
  • return error is marked with corresponding error name
Function sdstor_dev_fs exfat dummy_ttyp_dev_fs PFS_REDIRECT_INF PFS_GDSD_INF PFS_AC_INF
1 implemented implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
2 implemented implemented implemented implemented
3 implemented implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
4 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
5 implemented implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
6 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
7 implemented implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
8 SCE_ERROR_ERRNO_EUNSUP 0 implemented implemented implemented
9 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
10 implemented implemented implemented implemented
11 implemented implemented implemented implemented
12 implemented implemented implemented implemented
13 implemented implemented implemented implemented
14 implemented implemented implemented implemented
15 implemented implemented implemented implemented
16 implemented implemented implemented implemented
17 implemented implemented implemented implemented
19 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
20 implemented implemented implemented implemented implemented
21 0 implemented 0 implemented implemented implemented
22 implemented
23 implemented
24 0 implemented implemented implemented implemented
25 implemented implemented implemented implemented
26 implemented implemented implemented implemented
27 implemented implemented implemented implemented
28 implemented implemented implemented implemented


typedef struct vfs_block_dev_info //size is 0x14
  char* vitaMount;
  char* filesystem; // Some name, I guess it is filesystem
  char* blockDevicePrimary;
  char* blockDeviceSecondary; // can be 0
  uint32_t vshMountId; //must be same as in mount_point_info

typedef struct vfs_mount_point_info_base
  char* unixMount;
  uint32_t unk_4; //zero
  uint32_t devMajor;
  uint32_t devMinor;

  char* filesystem;
  uint32_t unk_14; //zero
  vfs_block_dev_info* blockDev1;
  uint32_t unk_1C; //zero
} vfs_mount_point_info_base;

typedef struct vfs_mount_point_info //size is 0x38
  uint32_t vshMountId;
  vfs_mount_point_info_base base;

  vfs_block_dev_info* blockDev2; //same as blockDev1
  uint32_t unk_28; //zero - except for (ux0:, gro0:, grw0:) - maybe related to device specific data?
  uint32_t unk_2C; //zero
  uint32_t unk_30; //zero
  uint32_t unk_34; //zero

Data segment layout

Address Size Description
0x0000 0x1A90 unknown
0x1A90 0x700 array of 32 elements of vfs_mount_point_info
0x2190 0x10 unknown
0x21A0 0x40 unknown
0x21E0 0x3C unknown
0x221C 0x20 vfs_add_data dummy_ttyp_dev_fs node



Version NID
1.69 0x9C7E7B76
struct vfs_unmount_data
    const char *mountpoint;
    int flags;
int sceVfsUnmount(struct vfs_unmount_data *data);


Version NID
1.69 0x9CBFA725
int sceVfsDeleteVfs(const char *name, void **deleted_node);


Version NID
1.69 0x673D2FCD

//probably vfsops
struct node_ops1 // size is 0x34 (13 pointers)
  int (*func1)(void* ctx);
  int (*func2)(void* ctx);
  int (*func3)(void* ctx);
  int (*func4)(void* ctx);
  int (*func5)(void* ctx);
  int (*func6)(void* ctx);
  int (*func7)(void* ctx);
  int (*func8)(void* ctx);
  int (*func9)(void* ctx);
  int (*func10)(void* ctx);
  int (*func11)(void* ctx);
  int (*func12)(void* ctx);
  int (*func13)(void* ctx);

//probably vnodeops
struct node_ops2 // size is 0x74 (29 pointers)
  int (*func1)(void* ctx);
  int (*func2)(void* ctx);
  int (*func3)(void* ctx);
  int (*func4)(void* ctx);
  int (*func5)(void* ctx);
  int (*func6)(void* ctx);
  int (*func7)(void* ctx);
  int (*func8)(void* ctx);
  int (*func9)(void* ctx);
  int (*func10)(void* ctx);
  int (*func11)(void* ctx);
  int (*func12)(void* ctx);
  int (*func13)(void* ctx);
  int (*func14)(void* ctx);
  int (*func15)(void* ctx);
  int (*func16)(void* ctx);
  int (*func17)(void* ctx);
  int (*func18)(void* ctx);
  int (*func19)(void* ctx);
  int (*func20)(void* ctx);
  int (*func21)(void* ctx);
  int (*func22)(void* ctx);
  int (*func23)(void* ctx);
  int (*func24)(void* ctx);
  int (*func25)(void* ctx);
  int (*func26)(void* ctx);
  int (*func27)(void* ctx);
  int (*func28)(void* ctx);
  int (*func29)(void* ctx);

struct vfs_add_data
    node_ops1* funcs1;
    const char *name; //max size is 0x20
    int flags; //0x0E
    int unk_C; //0x01 / 0x00 (root, leaf ?)
    int unk_10; //0x10
    node_ops2* funcs2;
    int unk_18; //0x00
    vfs_add_data* next_element; //ptr to next element, confirmed

int sceVfsAddVfs(struct vfs_add_data *data);


Version NID
1.69 0xB62DE9A6

int sceVfsMount(struct mount_point_info_base* data);


Version NID
1.69 0xD60B5C638
int sceVfsGetNewNode(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);


Version NID
1.69 0x20CF5FC7

Call interface is same as sceIoDread


Version NID
1.69 0x21EE91F0

Call interface is same as sceIoWrite


Version NID
1.69 0x463B25CC

Call interface is same as sceIoDopen


Version NID
1.69 0x62090481

Call interface is same as sceIoLseek


Version NID
1.69 0x75192972

Call interface is same as sceIoOpen


Version NID
1.69 0x7D42B8DC

Call interface is same as sceIoChstat


Version NID
1.69 0x75C96D25

Call interface is same as sceIoGetstat


Version NID
1.69 0x7F710B25

Call interface is same as sceIoMkdir


Version NID
1.69 0xE17EFC03

Call interface is same as sceIoRead


Version NID
1.69 0xF99DD8A3

Call interface is same as sceIoClose


Version NID
1.69 0xDC0C4997

Call interface is same as sceIoRename


Version NID
1.69 0x0D7BB3E1

Call interface is same as sceIoRemove



Version NID
1.69 0xB13031


Version NID
1.69 0x9CD0FC8


Version NID
1.69 0xDC4F1BB


Version NID
1.69 0x13DC3244


Version NID
1.69 0x14B2D56C


Version NID
1.69 0x16512F59


Version NID
1.69 0x1D2988F1


Version NID
1.69 0x2300858E


Version NID
1.69 0x27373135


Version NID
1.69 0x34E6A06E


Version NID
1.69 0x34EFD876


Version NID
1.69 0x36CAF911


Version NID
1.69 0x38FE853B


Version NID
1.69 0x3E98E422


Version NID
1.69 0x3EE3F66E


Version NID
1.69 0x422A221A


Version NID
1.69 0x4912F748


Version NID
1.69 0x49252B9B


Version NID
1.69 0x49312108


Version NID
1.69 0x515AC017


Version NID
1.69 0x5167AC1E


Version NID
1.69 0x539FD5C4


Version NID
1.69 0x554292F0


Version NID
1.69 0x58010F40


Version NID
1.69 0x5DC29460


Version NID
1.69 0x5DD867F7


Version NID
1.69 0x5FFA47E2


Version NID
1.69 0x64B233B8


Version NID
1.69 0x654E27B1


Version NID
1.69 0x6F78FAFE


Version NID
1.69 0x70B7BB52


Version NID
1.69 0x773EBD45


Version NID
1.69 0x78955C65


Version NID
1.69 0x7E1367CB


Version NID
1.69 0x7F2ABBAF


Version NID
1.69 0x81794921


Version NID
1.69 0x86DB0C0E


Version NID
1.69 0x8713D662


Version NID
1.69 0x8C319CF0


Version NID
1.69 0x8E7E11F2


Version NID
1.69 0x8EA3616A


Version NID
1.69 0x8F1ACC32


Version NID
1.69 0x9111D004


Version NID
1.69 0x92BDA6DA


Version NID
1.69 0x9654094B


Version NID
1.69 0x9E3F880D


Version NID
1.69 0xA176CD03


Version NID
1.69 0xA604764A


Version NID
1.69 0xA9F89275


Version NID
1.69 0xB0486482


Version NID
1.69 0xB14192F0


Version NID
1.69 0xB2B891E6


Version NID
1.69 0xB2D0B2F4


Version NID
1.69 0xB4B021D9


Version NID
1.69 0xB9C9C9CF


Version NID
1.69 0xBCF5684D


Version NID
1.69 0xC49C312F


Version NID
1.69 0xC70B8886


Version NID
1.69 0xC92AF88F


Version NID
1.69 0xCC67B6FD


Version NID
1.69 0xCEF48835


Version NID
1.69 0xD1C49D2F


Version NID
1.69 0xD2EE455F


Version NID
1.69 0xD302DCB9


Version NID
1.69 0xD414C89F


Version NID
1.69 0xDC2D7D38


Version NID
1.69 0xE00DC256


Version NID
1.69 0xE0BE2A30


Version NID
1.69 0xE0D63D2A


Version NID
1.69 0xE6C53567


Version NID
1.69 0xE6C923B3


Version NID
1.69 0xE6E614B5


Version NID
1.69 0xEF5432ED


Version NID
1.69 0xF2A472A1


Version NID
1.69 0xF3C9E783


Version NID
1.69 0xF437545D


Version NID
1.69 0xF4E13260


Version NID
1.69 0xF58286C3


Version NID
1.69 0xF59F37B0


Version NID
1.69 0xF5C58B21


Version NID
1.69 0xF5DEEA19


Version NID
1.69 0xF69FB394


Version NID
1.69 0xFAFF0002


Version NID


Version NID
1.69 0xFDB32293


Version NID
1.69 0xFFFB4D76

Device Drivers