IFTU Registers: Difference between revisions

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Line 121: Line 121:
| Horizontal back porch
| Horizontal back porch
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x24
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC0
| 4
| 4
| Scanout source width (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)
| Scanout source width (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)

Revision as of 17:13, 19 July 2017

MMIO Interfaces

Name Physical address
SceIftu0RegA (OLED FB) 0xE5020000
SceIftu0RegB 0xE5021000
SceIftuc0Reg 0xE5022000
SceIftu1RegA (HDMI FB) 0xE5030000
SceIftu1RegB 0xE5031000
SceIftuc1Reg 0xE5032000
SceIftu2Reg 0xE5040000

It looks like the display controller has 4 overlay planes (Iftu0RegA, Iftu0RegB, Iftu1RegA, Iftu0RegB) and 1 cursor plane (Iftu2Reg)?



Offset Size Description
0x000 4 Control register: bit 0 = enable?, bit 2 = ??, bit 3 = ??
0x004 4 CRTC mask: bit 0 = enable scanout to engine/CRTC of OLED/LCD, bit 1 = enable scanout to engine/CRTC of HDMI
0x040 4 Interrupts (read = triggered interrupts, write = clear interrupt)
0x050 4 Interrupt enable. bit 0 = first plane, bit 1 = second plane
0x08C 4 Alpha value (transparency) from 0x00 to 0xFF
0x0A0 4 Alpha control: (bit 0 = disable alpha blending)
0x180 4 Some flags
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x00 4 Physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x04 4 Unknown
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x24 4 Scanout source X (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x28 4 Scanout source Y (in (0x100000 / 544) multiples)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x40 4 Pixelformat (0x10 = A8B8G8R8)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x44 4 Buffer width (aligned to 16)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x48 4 Buffer height (aligned to 8)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x4C 4 Control register. bit 0 = disable plane?
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x54 4 Leftover stride
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x58 4 ??
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x60 4 Vertical front porch
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x64 4 Vertical back porch
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x68 4 Horizontal front porch
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x6C 4 Horizontal back porch
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC0 4 Scanout source width (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC4 4 Scanout source height (in (0x100000 / 544) multiples)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC8 4 Scanout destination X
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xCC 4 Scanout destination Y
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD0 4 Scanout destination width
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD0 4 Scanout destination height

Where n can be 0 and 1. n = 0 configures the plane for the CRTC 0 (OLED/LCD) scanout, and n = 1 configures the plane for the CRTC 1 (HDMI) scanout.

IftucRegs (control registers?)

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Control register. bit 0 = enable engine.
0x04 4 Plane control register. bit 0 = enable alpha blending, bit 2 = enable first plane, bit 4 = enable second plane.
0x10 + i * 0x8 + 0x00 4 bit 0 = Enable Engine 0 (OLED/LCD) or Engine 1 (HDMI) ?
0x10 + i * 0x8 + 0x04 4 ??
0x20 4 Alpha control register. bit 2 = enable alpha blending.

Where i can be 0 or 1 for RegA or RegB.