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Original PSP Kirk 0xC service for Generating a 160bit ECC private/public keypair. Call with an empty buffer of length 0x3C. The structure below is the return structure.
Original PSP Kirk 0xC service for Generating a 160bit ECC private/public keypair. Call with an empty buffer of length 0x3C. The structure below is the return structure.

Private key is obtained by:
Private key <code>dA</code> is obtained by:

1. Generating 0x40 sized random number rng.
1. Generating 0x40 sized random number rng.

2. Pk = rng mod N
2. dA = rng mod N

Public key us obtained by:
Public key <code>Qa</code> us obtained by:

(Qax, Qay) = (Gx, Gy) * Pk
Qa = dA * G

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Revision as of 01:01, 22 August 2019

Depending on the F00D SELF that is currently loaded, different commands are handled.

Request Buffer

Each request that is made sends a page aligned buffer that has a max size of a page. After as 64 byte header common to all commands, the data afterwards is specific to each command. The documentation for each command below specifies the data that goes after the header. The special command id of -1 (0xFFFFFFFF) is used to shut down the currently loaded F00D SELF.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Size of buffer
0x4 0x4 Command ID
0x8 0x4 Return value (output)
0xC 0x34 Unknown/Unused
0x40 Variable (max 0xFC0) Command specific buffer

Physical Address List

A common format used in these requests is a list of physical address and size. This simple structure is defined below. See sceKernelVARangeToPARangeForDriver for information on creating this list.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 Physical Address
0x4 0x4 Size

This data format is used when passing large buffers of data to F00D. This is because the memory manager in kernel could allocate contiguous virtual addresses that corresponds to varying physical addresses.


This is a special SELF that is found in the boot SLB2 partition. The raw (encrypted) SELF is found in secure world memory (placed there by an early bootloader). It is used to decrypt SELFs for ARM. The SELF header is passed into a page aligned buffer and a paddr list is generated from it.

0x10001 sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeaderForKernel

Used by sceSblAuthMgrAuthHeaderForKernel.

Checks the SELF header for decryption. The header is copied to the F00D private memory region first (on 1.69 with 0x1000 sized header, it is at 0x00811CC0 in F00D memory space.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x130 SceSblSmCommContext130
0x170 0x4 Number of paddr list entries for buffer
0x174 0x4 Physical address of paddr list

0x20001 sceSblAuthMgrLoadSegmentForKernel

Used by sceSblAuthMgrLoadSegmentForKernel.

Set the program segment to decrypt. This corresponds to the segment index in the ELF program headers in the SELF header passed in with the command above.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Segment number
0x44 0x4 Return value. 0x1 if not compressed, 0x2 is compressed.
0x48 0x8 Unknown

0x30001 sceSblAuthMgrLoadBlockForKernel

Used by sceSblAuthMgrLoadBlockForKernel.

Decrypt a buffer from the SELF corresponding to the program segment number passed in above. The segment is read in 0x10000 bytes chunks and is decrypted in place (the input buffer will contain the decrypted data). A paddr list is generated from the buffer. The input buffer and output buffer can be the same.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Number of entries in input paddr list
0x44 0x4 Physical address of the input paddr list
0x48 0x4 Number of entries in output paddr list
0x4C 0x4 Physical address of the output paddr list

0x40001 sceSblAuthMgrGetEKcForDriver

Decrypts provided buffer in ECB mode using one of three keys (NPDRM keys ?).

Used by sceSblAuthMgrGetEKcForDriver for getting klicensee?

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x100 Data Buffer (under 0x100 bytes)
0x140 0x4 Data Size - must be under 0x100
0x144 0x4 Key ID (0, 1, 2)
0x148 0x4 Set to 0
0x14C 0x4 Set to 0

0x50001 sceSblAuthMgrSetDmac5KeyForKernel

Used by sceSblAuthMgrSetDmac5KeyForKernel to set key for decryption.

This uses an unknown secret to derive the final key, then writes it into dmac5 keyring.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x8-0x10 Key (64/128/196/256 bits)
0x140 0x4 Key size (in bytes)
0x144 0x4 Key ID
0x148 0x4 Slot ID
0x14C 0x4 Key size & 0xF (Should be 0)

0x60001 sceSblAuthMgrClearDmac5KeyForKernel

Used by sceSblAuthMgrClearDmac5KeyForKernel for clearing the Dmac5 Key.

This function writes zeroes into dmac5 keyring.

0x70001 sceSblAuthMgrDecBindDataForDriver

Used by sceSblAuthMgrDecBindDataForDriver and SceNpDrm for gamecard binding data used in conjunction with the RIF license file on the gamecard for deriving the klicensee.

0x80001 sceSblAuthMgrVerifySpsfoForDriver

Used by sceSblAuthMgrVerifySpsfoForDriver.


0x1 check_activation_code_1

Only on pre 2.10.

Verify SceKitActivationData derived from AFV.

Use "internal" keys (?internal kits maybe? Not used on PDEL kernel).

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x80 SceKitActivationData

0x2 check_activation_code_2

Only on pre 2.10.

Verify SceKitActivationData derived from AFV.

Use PDEL/PTEL keys. (maybe also latest DEM)

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x80 SceKitActivationData

0x4 check_cmac

Verify ?NVS? activation data. Maybe checks CMAC.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x80 input and output: SceKitActivationData

0x5 gen_act_cmac

Only on pre 2.10.

Get activation data. The returned data is written to NVS at offset 0x520 or 0x530.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Magic "act\0"
0x44 0x4 Issue number
0x48 0x4 Start validity time unix timestamp
0x4C 0x4 End validity time unix timestamp
0x50 0x10 Unknown (returned data) ?CMAC?


Only on pre 2.10.

Check if activation is valid. The input activation data is read from NVS at offset 0x520.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x10 SceKitNVSActivationData without CMAC
0x50 0x20 SceKitNVSActivationData

0xA gen_activation_with_sig

Introduced in 2.10.

Check if new activation is valid. Extended activation check with a signature. This is ran when installing a new afv.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x80 SceKitActivationData (new activation data)
0xC0 0x100 RSA signature over new activation data
0x1C0 0x80 SceKitActivationData (previous activation data)
0x240 0x100 RSA signature over previous activation data
0x340 0x20 Output: SceKitNVSActivationData (same as command 0x4)

0xB check_activation_with_sig

Introduced in 2.10.

Check if current activation is valid. Extended activation check with signature. This is ran on boot.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Unknown
0x44 0x4 Current time
0x48 0x8 Some return value
0x50 0x8 Unknown
0x58 0x20 SceKitNVSActivationData (same as command 0x4)
0x78 0x80 AFV data
0xF8 0x100 RSA signature over activation data


0x1 ConsoleId

Returns the console's ConsoleId.

Used in sceSblSsGetConsoleIdForDriver.

0x2 OpenPsId

Returns the console's OpenPsId.

Used in sceSblSsGetOpenPsIdForDriver.

0x3 VisibleId/FuseId

Returns the console's VisibleId.

Used in sceSblSsGetVisibleIdForDriver.

0x4 PsCode

Returns the console's PsCode.

Used in sceSblSsGetPscode2ForDriver.

0x5 PassPhrase

Used in sceSblSsCreatePassPhraseForDriver.



Seems to be called on init and before resume of PSP

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Unknown
0x44 0x4 Set to 0


Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Set to 0
0x44 0x4 Set to 0


This seems to be used to do some kind of key derivation. May also be used as a general purpose encryption engine.


Encrypt data? Actually it always returns 0x800F1725, so it does nothing.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Key ID (max 0xA)
0x44 0x4 Output Length
0x48 0x20 Output
0x68 0x4 Input Length (max 0x20)
0x6C 0x20 Input
0x8C 0x10 IV

0x2000A DecryptWithPortability

Used by sceSblSsDecryptWithPortabilityForDriver.

Decrypt data by using AES-256-CBC with an internal key selected by key_id.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Key ID (1 - 20)
0x44 0x4 Input Length (max 0x20)
0x48 0x20 Input
0x68 0x4 Output Length (must match Input Length)
0x6C 0x20 Output
0x8C 0x10 IV

Return of 0x800f0002 means invalid service ID. For encdec_w_portability_sm, only 0x1000A and 0x2000A are supported.

Return of 0x800f1716 means invalid argument such as invalid key ID. Valid key IDs are only 1-20.



This is one of variable sized buffers that can be placed inside Request_Buffer

Type definition is located here sm_comm_context

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Set to 1
0x44 0x4 GC Command (0x4, 0x7, 0xC etc.)
0x48 0x800 GC Buffer (Input/Output)
0x848 0x4 Key ID (different meaning for different commands. usually used to select one of specific static keys)
0x84C 0x4 GC Buffer Length/Written
0x850 0x4 Set to 0

Supported GC commands and structures

0x4 kirk_encrypt

Original PSP Kirk 4 service for encrypting data.

Does not use any specific data structure in GC Buffer.

Just encrypts data located in GC Buffer.

Uses one set of keys.

Available key ids are (key is encrypted with key from keyslot 0x345 and put into keyslot 0x21): 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83

Special key id 0x100 is available. Uses keys from keyslots 0x601 and 0x602.

Key 0x601 is scrambled and used as seed.

Key 0x602 is scrambled and used as key.

seed is aes cbc encrypted with key to produce resulting key.

0x7 kirk_decrypt

Original PSP Kirk 7 service for decrypting data

Does not use any specific data structure in GC Buffer.

Just decrypts data located in GC Buffer.

Uses two sets of keys.

Available key ids are (key is encrypted with key from keyslot 0x345 and put into keyslot 0x21): 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x80, 0x81, 0x82, 0x83

Available key ids are (key is encrypted with key from keyslot 0x340 and put into keyslot 0x10): 0x44, 0x53, 0x57, 0x63, 0x64, 0x68, 0xC0, 0xC1, 0xC2, 0xC3

Special key id 0x100 is available. Uses keys from keyslots 0x601 and 0x602 (will be documented later).

Key 0x601 is scrambled and used as seed.

Key 0x602 is scrambled and used as key.

seed is aes cbc encrypted with key to produce resulting key.

0xC kirk_ecc160_generate_keys

Original PSP Kirk 0xC service for Generating a 160bit ECC private/public keypair. Call with an empty buffer of length 0x3C. The structure below is the return structure.

Private key dA is obtained by:

1. Generating 0x40 sized random number rng.

2. dA = rng mod N

Public key Qa us obtained by:

Qa = dA * G

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 Private Key
0x14 0x14 Public Key X component
0x28 0x14 Public Key Y component


Original PSP Kirk 0xD service for multiplying a 160bit ECC curve point with a value. Call with a multiplier, then a x and y point value.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 Multiplier Value
0x14 0x14 Point X component
0x28 0x14 Point Y component


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 New Point X component
0x14 0x14 New Point Y component


Original PSP Kirk 0xE service for 160bit Random number generation. Call with an empty buffer, the result structure is below.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 Cryptographic Random Number


Original PSP Kirk 0x10 service for 160bit ECC signing. Call and return structure below.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x20 Encrypted private key (see kirk-engine implementation for fuse_id process for encryption)
0x20 0x14 SHA1 hash of the content you want signed


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 ECC Signature R component
0x14 0x14 ECC Signature S component


Original PSP Kirk 0x11 service for 160bit ECC signature verification. Call with the below structure, then function will return pass or fail.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 Public Key X component
0x14 0x14 Public Key Y component
0x28 0x14 SHA1 hash of the content that is signed
0x3C 0x14 ECC Signature R component
0x50 0x14 ECC Signature S component


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x14 ECC Signature R component
0x14 0x14 ECC Signature S component


New Vita Kirk 0x14 service for Generating a 224bit ECC private/public keypair. Call with an empty buffer of length 0x54. The structure below is the return structure.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1C Private Key
0x1C 0x1C Public Key X component
0x38 0x1C Public Key Y component


New Vita Kirk 0x15 service for multiplying a 224bit ECC curve point with a value. Call with a multiplier, then a x and y point value.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1C Multiplier Value
0x1C 0x1C Point X component
0x38 0x1C Point Y component


Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1C New Point X component
0x1C 0x1C New Point Y component


New Vita Kirk 0x16 service for 224bit Random number generation. Call with an empty buffer, the result structure is below.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1C Cryptographic Random Number


New Vita Kirk 0x17 service. Unknown, but buffer length is 0x3C. Almost certainly a 224bit version of 0x10


New Vita Kirk 0x18 service for 224bit ECDSA signature verification.

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x1C Public Key X component
0x1C 0x1C Public Key Y component
0x38 0x1C SHA1 hash of the content that is signed
0x54 0x1C ECC Signature R component
0x70 0x1C ECC Signature S component


Not sure. Need to add.


New Vita Kirk 0x19 service. Unknown, but buffer length is 0xE8. Related to IdStorage somehow. Almost certainly a 224bit version of 0x12


New Vita Kirk 0x1B service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data validation service with no response. Size of request is 0x53.

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x10 cmd56 packet7 chunk
0x30 0x23 cmd56 packet8 chunk


New Vita Kirk 0x1C service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data generation service. Size of request is 0x40. Size of response is 0x33.


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x20 cmd56 packet8 chunk


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x01 command
0x01 0x01 unknown
0x02 0x01 size
0x03 0x30 data


New Vita Kirk 0x1D service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data validation service with no response. Size of request is 0xA3.

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x30 cmd56 packet9 chunk
0x50 0x10 cmd56 packet13 chunk
0x60 0x43 cmd56 packet14 chunk


New Vita Kirk 0x1E service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data generation service. Size of request is 0x51. Size of response is 0x33.


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x30 cmd56 packet9 chunk
0x50 0x01 parameter (value 2 or 3)


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x01 command
0x01 0x01 unknown
0x02 0x01 size
0x03 0x30 data


New Vita Kirk 0x1F service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data validation service. Size of request is 0xB3. Size of response is 0x20.


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x30 cmd56 packet9 chunk
0x50 0x20 cmd56 packet15 chunk
0x70 0x43 cmd56 packet16 chunk


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 unknown


New Vita Kirk 0x20 service. This service is related to SceSdif and is used by SceSblGcAuthMgr. This service is part of SD MMC CMD56 custom initialization protocol. This is a data generation service. Size of request is 0x116. Size of response is 0x34.

Generated data is used to obtain klicensee using sceSblAuthMgrDecBindData


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 cmd56 packet6 chunk
0x20 0x30 cmd56 packet9 chunk
0x50 0x20 cmd56 packet17 chunk
0x70 0x43 cmd56 packet18 chunk
0xB3 0x10 cmd56 packet19 chunk
0xC3 0x53 cmd56 packet20 chunk


Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 keys that are used to obtain klicensee
0x20 0x14 some signature that should be same as rif data at offset 0xE0


New Vita Kirk 0x21 service. Unknown, but buffer length is 0x34.


New Vita Kirk 0x22 service. Unknown, but buffer length is 0x3C.


New Vita Kirk 0x23 service. Unknown, but buffer length is 0x20.


sceSblPmMgrAuthEtoIForDriver uses "sd0:sm/pm_sm_sd.self" whilst other PmSm functions use "os0:sm/pm_sm.self".

Services 9 and 0xA appeared on 1.03 (maybe 1.00). They are not present on 0.990 and earlier.

0x1 get_product_mode

Used by sceSblPmMgrGetProductModeFromNVS.

Data size is 0x28 bytes. (0x20 bytes used)

Input: 0x20 buffer read from NVS at offset 0.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Output: product mode
0x44 0x4 zeroed
0x48 0x20 input only: NVS data read at offset 0

0x2 set_product_mode

Used by sceSblPmMgrSetProductMode.

Data size is 0x28 bytes. (0x20 bytes used)

Input: 0x20 bytes buffer read from NVS at offset 0, to which is written the new product mode to set.

Output data: 0x20 buffer to write to NVS at offset 0.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 new product mode
0x44 0x1C output only

0x3 gen_req_hello

Input: 0x30 bytes buffer.

This is the first JIG auth command. The 0x28 buffer content is for the first time set by this service.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1 (6 or 14)
0x44 0x4 arg2 (1 when arg1 in [4, 6, 12]; 2 when arg1 in [14]; otherwise undefined)
0x48 0x28 output only

0x4 gen_challenge

Input: 0x30 bytes buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1 (6 or 14)
0x44 0x4 arg2 (1 when arg1 in [4, 6, 12]; 2 when arg1 in [14]; otherwise undefined)
0x48 0x28 input and output

0x5 check_response

Input: 0x30 bytes buffer.

Returns 0 on success, doesn't modify the input buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1 (6 or 14)
0x44 0x4 arg2 (1 when arg1 in [4, 6, 12]; 2 when arg1 in [14]; otherwise undefined)
0x48 0x28 input only

0x6 gen_req_result

Input: 0x30 bytes buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1 (6 or 14)
0x44 0x4 arg2 (1 when arg1 in [4, 6, 12]; 2 when arg1 in [14]; otherwise undefined)
0x48 0x28 input and output

0x7 check_result

Input: 0x30 bytes buffer.

Returns 0 on success, doesn't modify the input buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1 (6 or 14)
0x44 0x4 arg2 (1 when arg1 in [4, 6, 12]; 2 when arg in [14]; otherwise undefined)
0x48 0x28 input only


Used on 1.03+ by sceSblPmMgrGetProductModeFromNVS.

Input: 0x70 bytes buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 new product mode
0x44 0x4 0
0x48 0x4 out1: current product mode
0x4C 0x4 out2
0x50 0x60 unk

0x9 gen_jig_message

Only on 1.03+.

Input: 0x10C bytes buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1: flag.
0x44 0x4 arg2
0x48 0x104 output

0xA check_jig_response

Only on 1.03+.

Input: 0x10C bytes buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 arg1: flag.
0x44 0x4 arg2
0x48 0x104 input



Decrypt or check QAF Token. Used on 1.03 PDEL.




0x4 decrypt QAF version

Input: 0x20 buffer read from NVS offset 0x2A0.

Output: QAF version in this buffer of size 0x20:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 unk
0x4 0x4 QAF version
0x8 0x18 unk

0x5 encrypt QAF version

Input QAF version in this buffer of size 0x20:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x4 unk
0x4 0x4 QAF version
0x8 0x18 unk

Output of size 0x20 is then written to NVS offset 0x2A0.

0x6 check_flag (decrypt)

Input: 0x20 buffer read from NVS at offset 0.

Returns error if flag is bad, 0 on success.


0x7 set_flag (encrypt)

Input: 0x20 buffer.

Output: 0x20 encrypted buffer that can be written to NVS at offset 0.




Removable Media (Memory Card) authentication. Used by SceMsif.

0x1 - get_key_master_gen_no

Response (size 0x20 bytes):

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x10 unknown
0x50 0x4 Returned ID?
0x54 0xC unknown

0x2 - set_index_key

Scrambles and sets the DMAC5 keyslot 0x1C key. The scrambling process consists of encrypting the first and second halves of the key seed with a private internal (could be considered as a couple of 0x10 keys) rmmauth_sm key using AES128-CBC.

Request (size 0x20 bytes):

Offset Size Description
0x00 0x20 Key seed



Clears the DMAC5 keyslot 0x1C key (to 0).



Used to decrypt downloaded lists. Same format as 0x40002. Lists URLS:



This is used by SceSblUpdateMgr to decrypt update packages extracted from PUP files. Both 0x40002 and 0x50002 reference buffers in the following way: an inner paddr list is generated for the buffer containing the data to encrypt/decrypt, then an outer paddr list is generated for the inner list. That means there's two levels of indirection in the paddr list.

0x10002 AuthPupHeader


Verify PUP header.

Input data size: 0xFF0.

0x20002 AuthPupSegment


Verify PUP segment.

Input data size: 0xFF0.

0x30002 AuthPupWatermark

Verify PUP watermark.

Input data size: 0xFF0.

0x40002 AuthSpkg


Decrypt SPKG package. Allocate a page aligned buffer and read the complete SPKG file into the buffer. The buffer is decrypted in place.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x8 Set to 0x0
0x48 0x8 Set to 0x1
0x50 0x14 struct paddr_list_req for Paddr list below
0x64 0x14 struct paddr_list_req for pkg buffer
0x78 Variable (max 0xF48) Copy of paddr list for pkg buffer (contents described at 0x50)



Re-encrypt enp files.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x8 Unknown/Zero
0x48 0x8 Set to 1
0x50 0x14 struct paddr_list_req for paddr list copied to 0x78. Only count field is used.
0x64 0x14 struct paddr_list_req for inner paddr list. Not used.
0x78 Variable (max 0xF88) outer paddr list / paddr list to paddr list to encrypt

Each inner paddr list is first copied to temporary f00d memory, then they all are checked for validity at once. Maximum size of inner list is 0xff7 (so probably 0xff7 / 8 * 8 = 0xff0). Any lengths higher than that result in SCE_SBL_ERROR_SL_ENOMEM = 0x800f020c.

How it works:

  • first, all inner entries are checked for validity, if something's invalid, bail out SCE_SBL_ERROR_SL_EINVAL 0x800f0216
  • start at last outer entry and move towards the first
  • if current entry looks valid (length >= 8), proceed to inner paddr encryption
  • if no valid entries found, error=SCE_SBL_ERROR_SL_EINVAL 0x800f0216
  • if multiple valid entries found, error=SCE_SBL_ERROR_SL_EIO 0x800f0205 (???) (but the first one found is always encrypted)
  • if only one valid entry is found, return success


  • encrypting same paddr twice or more times within a single inner paddr list always results in same output, no matter what input was, reproducible with length=0x10 or less
  • sum(inner list sizes) must be <= 0xFF0, but there's no overflow check, a large inner list causes f00d to overwrite memory with data like:
00:00:26	0 // this is paddr 0x1F000000
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	2000
00:00:26	8
00:00:26	812d40
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	1f000020 // this is paddr 0x1F00001C
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	2000
00:00:26	8
00:00:26	812d40
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	1f000040
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	2000
00:00:26	8
00:00:26	812d40
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	1f000060
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	2000
00:00:26	8
00:00:26	812d40
00:00:26	0
00:00:26	1f000080

0x60002 (sceSblSsSNVSEncryptSectors) SNVS_ENC_SECTORS


Calculates a XTS Encrypt using the per console keys in keyring slot 0x502, and 0x503 for the tweak and decryption keys. Appears to be intended for up to 0x3e0 in size, but the size in F00D packet +4 derives the xts size and memcpy.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Block size (0x20?) gets << 5 before memcpy use
0x44 0x4 Block size (0x20?) gets << 5 before memcpy use
0x48 ?? buffer with size defined above

?Input data size is 0x28?

0x70002 (sceSblUsSmSnvsDecryptSectors) SNVS_DEC_SECTORS


Calculates a XTS Decrypt using the per console keys in keyring slot 0x502, and 0x503 for the tweak and decryption keys. Appears to be intended for up to 0x3e0 in size, but the size in F00D packet +4 derives the xts size and memcpy.

?Input data size is 0x28?

0x80002 (sceSblUsSmSnvsEncryptMgmtData)


Calculates a XTS Decrypt using the per console keys in keyring slot 0x502, and 0x503 for the tweak and decryption keys. It then calculates an HMAC using the keyring 0x504 to check the block passed in. If ok, then it uses the seed 0xACA9B1AC to recalculate the block, generate a new hmac, and xts encrypt the block.

0x90002 (sceSblUsSmSnvsDecryptMgmtData)


Calculates a XTS Decrypt using the per console keys in keyring slot 0x502, and 0x503 for the tweak and decryption keys. It then calculates an HMAC using the keyring 0x504 to check the block passed in. The result is a 8 byte buffer returned in the main F00D packet.


Verify additional data.




Syscon update related. Usage is to proxy encrypted data F00D <=> Syscon.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 0, 1, 3, or 4
0x44 0x4 Unused
0x48 0x28 F00D input, syscon command 0xD2 output
0x70 0x28 F00D output, syscon command 0xD2 input


0x1 - verify_utoken

Verify SceUtoken buffer.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Paddr of SceUtoken buffer
0x44 0x4 Size of SceUtoken buffer (usually 0x800)
0x48 0x4 Time (got using sceRtcGetCurrentSecureTickForDriver or 0xFFFFFFFF (-1)
0x4C 0x10 OpenPsId

0x2 - decrypt utoken

Decrypt SceUtoken buffer, in order to get UT Flags.

Offset Size Description
0x40 0x4 Paddr of SceUtoken buffer
0x44 0x4 Size of SceUtoken buffer (usually 0x800)
0x48 0x4 Time (got using sceRtcGetCurrentSecureTickForDriver or 0xFFFFFFFF (-1))
0x4C 0x10 OpenPsId


MagicGate Key Manager secure module. These commands seem to be used to set keys (on FW 0.990 and 1.50). There are debug strings referencing these F00D commands as "set_key_command") on Dmac5. This key seems to be used to do stuff with TripleDES and another unknown encrypt algorithm.

