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! Slot          !! Initial Valid !! Initial Protection !! Protection (1.69)  !! Ever Valid (1.69) !! Per Console (1.69) !! Set By !! Description
! Slot          !! Initial Valid !! Initial Protection !! Protection (1.69)  !! Ever Valid (1.69) !! Per Console (1.69) !! Set By !! Description
| 0              || N || 0x0442 || 0x0442      || Y || ? || ?          || ?
| 0              || N || 0x0442 || 0x0442      || Y || N || Many sm || General common slot
| 1              || N || 0x0442 || 0x0442      || N || ? ||  ?          || ?
| 1              || N || 0x0442 || 0x0442      || N || ? ||  ?          || ?

Revision as of 06:09, 16 May 2021

Physical address = 0xE0058000 + 32 * slot_id.

Permission bits

If a keyslot is not locked, it can target cmep memory or unlocked keyslot.

Bit Function
0x1 Encryption operation allowed
0x2 Decryption operation allowed
0x4 ? operation allowed
0x8 ? operation allowed
0x10 ??? Master Keyslot can target memory ???
0x20 Master Keyslot can target user keyslot (based on Mask Group below)
0x40 Keyslot Pairing Lock Mask Group 0 (Master slots 0x204-0x205 and user slots 0-7)
0x80 Keyslot Pairing Lock Mask Group 1 (Master slots 0x206-0x20D and user slots 8-0xF)
0x100 Keyslot Pairing Lock Mask Group 2 (Master slots 0x340-0x343 and user slots 0x10-0x1F)
0x200 Keyslot Pairing Lock Mask Group 3 (Master slots 0x344-0x353 and user slots 0x20-0x2F)
0x400 Locked Keyslot can target cmep memory
0x800 Can be written directly by cmep
0x1000 Can be read directly by cmep

Key Ring Slots 0xE0058000

Slot Initial Valid Initial Protection Protection (1.69) Ever Valid (1.69) Per Console (1.69) Set By Description
0 N 0x0442 0x0442 Y N Many sm General common slot
1 N 0x0442 0x0442 N ? ? ?
2-7 N 0x0442 0x0040 N ? ? ?
8 N 0x049F 0x0081 Y Y first_loader SLSK personalization key (encrypt). Derived from keyslots 0x206 or 0x207.
9 N 0x049F 0x0080 N ? first_loader SLSK personalization key (decrypt). Derived from keyslots 0x206 or 0x207.
0xA-0xF N 0x049F 0x0080 Y N first_loader 6 SLSK metadata decryption keys. Derived from keyslots 0x208-0x20D.
0x10 N 0x0502 0x0502 N ? ? Supports decryption only.
0x11-0x1F N 0x0502 0x0100 N ? ? ?
0x20 N 0x061F 0x0200 Y ? first_loader SLSK HMAC-SHA256 Key. Derived from keyslot 0x344.
0x21-0x24 N 0x061F 0x061F N ? ? Supports encryption and decryption.
0x25-0x2F N 0x061F 0x0200 N ? ? ?
0x30-0x34 N 0x041F 0x041F N ? ? ?
0x35-0x7F N 0x041F 0x0000 N ? ? ?
0x80-0xFF X 0x0000 0x0000 X ? ? Not used.
0x100 N 0x041F 0x041F N ? ? ?
0x101-0x17F N 0x041F 0x0000 N ? ? ?
0x180-0x1FF X 0x0000 0x0000 X ? ? Not used.
0x200-0x203 Y 0x0002 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x204 Y 0x006F 0x006F Y Y ? AES-256 master key for IdStorage Certificates AES-128-ECB keys derivation. Used by KIRK commands 0x10, 0x12, 0x17 and 0x19.
0x205 Y 0x006F 0x006F Y Y ? ?
0x206 Y 0x00AF 0x00A0 Y ? ? Master key used to derive key used to decrypt personalized layer over SLSK. Should be per-console.
0x207 Y 0x00AF 0x00A0 Y ? ? Master key used instead of keyslot 0x206 when first_loader secret debug mode is set. (Possibly non-per-console?)
0x208-0x20D Y 0x00AF 0x00A0 Y ? ? 6 master keys used to derive AES-128-CBC Key to decrypt SLSK metadata. Which one is used depends on encryption key revision in SLSK header.
0x20E-0x20F Y ? 0x0010 Y ? ? Maybe per-console eMMC crypto keys? Protected by second_loader.
0x210-0x211 Y 0x001F 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x212 Y 0x001F 0x001F Y Y ? AES-256-CMAC key used by KIRK commands 0x12 and 0x19.
0x213 Y 0x001F 0x001F Y Y ? AES-256-CBC key used to derive (by seed encryption) SMI keys in second_loader, which are used for minimum firmware version decryption.
0x214 Y 0x001F 0x0000 Y ? ? AES-256-CBC key used to derive (by seed encryption) keyslots 0x514 and 0x515 in second_loader. IVs and seeds hardcoded in second_loader.
0x215 Y 0x001F 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x216 Y 0x001F 0x001F Y Y ? AES-256-CBC key used to derive (by seed encryption) keyslots 0x502-0x504 in second_loader. IV hardcoded in second_loader. If SMI minimum FW < 0.996, this key is not used and keyslots 0x502-0x504 are set with hardcoded values from second_loader.
0x217 Y 0x001F 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x218-0x2FF X 0x0000 0x0000 X ? ? Not used.
0x300-0x33F Y 0x0002 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x340 Y 0x012F 0x012F Y ? ? Used to decrypt keys into the 0x10 keyslot.
0x341-0x343 Y 0x012F 0x0120 Y ? ? ?
0x344 Y 0x022F 0x0220 Y ? ? Master key used to derive the 0x20 keyslot in first_loader.
0x345-0x348 Y 0x022F 0x022F Y ? ? Used to decrypt keys into one of the 0x21-0x24 keyslots.
0x349-0x353 Y 0x022F 0x0220 Y ? ? ?
0x354-0x3FF Y 0x001F 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x400-0x47F N 0x1800 0x0000 N ? ? ?
0x480-0x4FF X 0x0000 0x0000 X ? ? Not used.
0x500 N 0x1800 0x1800 N ? ? ?
0x501 N 0x1800 0x1000 Y N first_loader Used by first_loader to figure out whether to load from eMMC or ARM comms after reset.
0x502 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader AES XTS Tweak for Ernie SNVS sectors.
0x503 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader AES XTS Decryption Key for Ernie SNVS sectors.
0x504 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader AES-128-CMAC Key for Ernie SNVS sectors.
0x505 N 0x1800 0x0000 N ? ? ?
0x506 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N second_loader QAF Token AES-256-CBC and AES-256-CMAC key. Hardcoded in second_loader. Used with IV = keyslot 0x507.
0x507 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N second_loader QAF Token AES-256-CBC IV. Hardcoded in second_loader.
0x508 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Ernie version. Comes from Ernie EEPROM (Ernie command 1). 4 bytes. If lower (older) than 0x00090903, old Ernie protocols (unencrypted SNVS packets and maybe different SNVS keys) are used.
0x509 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader ConsoleId of unit. Comes from IdStorage (eMMC).
0x50A N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader QA flags. 0x10 bytes. Comes from Ernie NVS (Ernie command 0x1082).
0x50B N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Mgmt Data. 8 bytes. Comes from Ernie SNVS block 0 (Ernie command 0xD2).
0x50C N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N second_loader Second_Loader#Boot_type_indicator_for_slsk
0x50D N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader OpenPSID of unit. Comes from IdStorage (eMMC).
0x50E N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Current firmware version. Comes from Ernie SNVS (Ernie command 0xD0).
0x50F N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Minimum firmware version. Comes from IdStorage SMI leaf (eMMC). 4 bytes.
0x510 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader DIP Switches. 0x20 bytes. Comes from CP and Ernie VS (Ernie command 0x90 offset 0xE0).
0x511 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N (random) second_loader Ernie communication session key. Unique per boot. It is generated by a handshake with Ernie through Ernie command 0xD0. AES-128-ECB key used to enc/dec the content of Ernie secure packets. If (baryonVersion < 0x90903 && (ernieDLVersion & 0xffffff) < 0x3600) it is zeroed by second_loader. Part of SKSO data. Used by SK command 0xF01.
0x512 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N (counter) second_loader Ernie communication ticket count. Used as a challenge at the start of each secure Ernie encrypted communication, for example for SNVS read/write. On each boot it is set to a random value by second_loader. Incremented by 1 after each Ernie secure commmand usage. Part of SKSO data. Used by SK command 0xF01.
0x513 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader DRAM size. Set to 0x20000000 by default, 0x40000000 on DevKit in DevKit Memory Size mode. Determined by DIP Switches (CP).
0x514 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y see keyslot 0x214 second_loader SKSO AES-256-CMAC key. Protected on FW 1.05. Data size 0x90 bytes. Used to verify SKSO. Used by SK command 0xF01.
0x515 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y see keyslot 0x214 second_loader SKSO AES-128-CBC key. Protected on FW 1.05. Data size 0xA0 bytes. Hardcoded IV in second_loader and second_kernel. Used to encrypt/decrypt SKSO (the content written into keyslots 0x511, 0x512, 0x517 and 0x519). Used by SK command 0xF01.
0x516 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N second_loader Some status. Set to 0 at the start of second_loader main(). Checked for 0 before initiating communication with Ernie. 4 bytes. Used by SK command 0xF01: writes (u32)1 here after having exported the SKSO to paddr 0x4001FF00.
0x517 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader, act_sm Kit Activation status. 4 bytes. Part of SKSO data. When initializing the keyslots, this is zeroed if keyslot ?0x50D? has bit8 clear (on FW 1.692). Used by SK command 0xF01.
0x518 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Another current FW version (3.60+?). Comes from SNVS (Ernie command 0xD0).
0x519 N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y? second_loader Part of SKSO data. Used by SK command 0xF01. Not used (maybe zeroed) on old FWs. Used on FW 3.60.
0x51A N 0x1800 0x1800 Y N (random) second_loader Coredump Encrypted Session Key (FW 2.12+). Randomized 0x20 byte key. Unique for every boot/reboot/resume. Used for Kernel coredump encryption. See KBL Param and SCECAF#Kernel_Coredump_Encrypted_ELF. Used by SK command 0x1001.
0x51B N 0x1800 0x1800 Y Y second_loader Hardware Info. 4 bytes. Comes from Ernie EEPROM (Ernie command 5).
0x51C-0x51D N 0x1800 0x0000 N ? ? Used in update_service_sm for NVS. 4 bytes for each keyslot.
0x51E-0x521 N 0x1800 0x0000 N ? ? Used in update_service_sm for NVS. 4 bytes for each keyslot.
0x522-0x57F N 0x1800 0x0000 N ? ? ?
0x580-0x5FF X 0x0000 0x0000 X ? ? Not used.
0x600 Y 0x1000 0x1000 Y Y ? VisibleId of unit.
0x601 Y 0x1000 0x1000 Y Y ? ?
0x602 Y 0x1000 0x1000 Y Y ? ?
0x603 Y 0x1000 0x1000 Y N ? ?
0x604 Y 0x1000 0x1000 Y N ? ?
0x605-0x607 Y 0x1000 0x0000 Y ? ? ?
0x608-0x6FF X 0x0000 0x0000 X X ? Not used.
0x700-0x7FF Y 0x1000 0x0000 Y N ? 16 RSA public keys for SLSK files. Which key is used depends on public key revision specified in SLSK header.