Memory budget

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A memory budget is an area of memory reserved by the system for a specific usage.


Here is a list of default budgets. They are allocated on boot by SceProcessmgr. They vary per FW version, and per boot flags.

Name Base paddr Size Comments
ScePhyMemPartGameCdram 0x20000000 / 0x21000000 (0.995 internal) 0x07000000 cdram for game
ScePhyMemPartShellCdram 0x27000000 / 0x20000000 (0.995 internal) 0x01000000 cdram for shell
ScePhyMemPartKD 0x40200000 / 0x40300000 (0.995 internal) 0x02400000 / 0x02000000 (0.995 internal) for kernel drivers
ScePhyMemPartPhyCont 0x42600000 / 0x42300000 (0.995 internal) 0x01A00000 physically continuous memory
ScePhyMemPartShared 0x44000000 / 0x43D00000 (0.995 internal) 0x00800000 for shared modules
ScePhyMemPartGameCDialog 0x44800000 / 0x44500000 (0.995 internal) 0x00900000 for game cdialog
ScePhyMemPartShell 0x45100000 / 0x44E00000 (0.995 internal) 0x03200000 / 0x03000000 (0.995 internal) for shell
ScePhyMemPartReserved 0x47E00000 (0.995 internal) 0x00600000 (0.995 internal) reserved
Remaining memory(for +109MiB) 0x48300000 / 0x48400000 (0.995 internal) 0x07D00000 / 0x07C00000 (0.995 internal) Remaining memory for user module page and system memory.
ScePhyMemPartGame 0x50000000 0x10000000 / 0x20000000 (0.995 internal) for game
ScePhyMemPartTool 0x70000000 (0.995 internal) 0x10000000 (0.995 internal) for TOOL platforms