Second Loader
If the Ernie version is less than 0x80300, second_loader refuses to boot.
Boot type indicator for slsk
This flags is set to bigmac keyring 0x50C.
Defined at same time as KBL Param#Boot type indicator 1 and embeds some common information but with different flags.
slsk | kblparam |
0x4 | 0x1 |
0x20 | 0x10000 |
0x100 | 0x20000 |
0x8 | no equivalent |
Boot process (3.60)
int __usercall boot_800432@<W4>() { v51 = v0; setup_gpio_0_1_leds_809422(); gpio_something_809582(0LL, 7LL, 0LL); gpio_something2_80950A(0LL, 7LL); memset_FF_16_bytes_802302(); sub_80193E(); clear_line_0x516_80255C();
EMMC and syscon init
set_emmc_hook_80712A(0x80374ELL); // syscon_setup_80374E ret = try_init_emmc_801070(); v50 = ret; if ( ret ) goto LABEL_97; get_syscon_setup_cached_retval_807132((__int64)&v50); ret = v50; if ( v50 ) goto LABEL_97;
emmc device (sdif0) is initialized. It sets keys for emmc crypto to be 0x20E/0x20F pair and protects them (dword_E0030024 = 0x1FEF020F; dword_E0030024 = 0x1FEF020E; unk_E0070008 = 0x20E020F; unk_E0070000 = 0; unk_E0070000 = 1;
During SEND_OP_COND the function pointer from set_emmc_hook
is called, it performs syscon init. It enables syscon device using gpio and sends syscon commands 1 (get syscon ver), 5 (get vita model info), 2 (get syscon date string), optionally 0x80.
Model/devkit checks
model_info = get_cached_model_info_8038F2(); model_info_1 = model_info; set_global_model_info_808C24(model_info); model_upper = model_info_1 & 0xFF0000; if ( model_upper == 0x600000 ) goto its_devkit; if ( model_upper > 0x600000 ) goto LABEL_8; if ( model_upper == 0x310000 ) goto its_devkit; v5 = 0x100000; if ( model_upper > 0x310000 ) { if ( model_upper == 0x410000 ) goto its_devkit; LABEL_8: if ( model_upper == 0x800000 || model_upper <= 0x800000 && model_upper == 0x700000 || model_upper == 0x820000 ) goto its_devkit; v5 = 0x900000; goto LABEL_13; } do { LABEL_13: if ( model_upper == v5 ) { its_devkit: sub_802044(); enable_leds_808B7A(); } set_status(65LL); v6 = get_syscon_ver_8038EC(); v5 = 0x802FF; syscon_ver = v6; } while ( v6 <= 0x802FF ); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x508LL, (__int64)&syscon_ver, 4LL); model_info_2 = get_cached_model_info_8038F2(); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x51BLL, (__int64)&model_info_2, 4LL); if ( (model_info_2 & 0xFF0000u) > 0x7FFFFF ) v7 = 0x1030; else v7 = 0x10; dword_E3100180 = v7; set_status(67LL);
Model info is retrieved from a global set by syscon command 5. Some checks are performed to determine if the vita is a devkit, if it is then a flag to enable debug LEDs is set. Syscon hw version from command 1 is written to keyslot 0x508 and vita model info is written to keyslot 0x51B.
Retrieve boot type from syscon
boot_type = 0; v8 = syscon_cmd_0x10_get_boot_type_80452A((__int64)&boot_type); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 67LL; LABEL_21: v10 = 0LL; LABEL_22: report_error_808CAA(2LL, v9, v8, v10); LABEL_23: ret = v50; goto LABEL_97; } set_status(68LL);
Boot type is retrieved from syscon cmd 0x10, 0xFF14 on cold boot or 0xFF80 on resume boot.
ret_from_E002_1 = dword_E0020004; ret_from_E002 = ret_from_E002_1; ret_from_brom_1 = dword_E0010004; ret_from_brom = ret_from_brom_1; v15 = dword_E0062020; v8 = check_0x501_protection_and_compare_800DBC(ret_from_E002, ret_from_brom); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 68LL; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(69LL);
Resume checks
is_resume = (boot_type >> 7) & 1; v17 = something_with_dram_808662(1LL, is_resume); v50 = v17; if ( (_DWORD)v17 ) { v18 = (unsigned __int8)sub_80877E(); v19 = sub_808784(); v9 = 69LL; v8 = v17; v10 = (v18 << 8) | (unsigned int)v19; goto LABEL_22; } if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume ) goto LABEL_32; if ( !check_tz_magic_800A82() ) { is_resume = 0LL; LABEL_32: v20 = 0; clear_kbl_param_801C0C(); goto LBL_123; } if ( copy_kbl_param_to_0x4001FD00_801C1E() ) { is_resume = 1LL; goto LABEL_32; } is_resume = 1LL; v20 = 1; LBL_123: emmc_key_reg = dword_E0070004; if ( emmc_key_reg & 1 ) { set_status(82LL); report_error_808CAA(2LL, 82LL, 0x800F0029LL, 0LL); ret = 0x800F0029; goto LABEL_97; } sub_806B58(0x40000500LL, 0x1000LL); set_status(84LL);
Coldboot/resume is determined from bit 7 of boot_type returned by syscon. Then, something with dram??? If boot type is resume but TZ magic word (0x9E3199B7) isn't present, it changes boot type to coldboot.
If coldboot, KBL Param at 0x1F000100 is cleared, otherwise it's restored from 0x4001FD00. Then, some check on emmc crypto reg??? sub_806B58(0x40000500LL, 0x1000LL);
Factory firmware check
a3 = 0; v8 = get_factory_fw_801BAC((__int64)&a3); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 84LL; goto LABEL_21; } v10 = a3; if ( a3 >= 0x3600001 ) { v8 = 0x800F0030LL; v50 = 0x800F0030; v9 = 84LL; goto LABEL_22; } keyring_writeX_80250C(0x50FLL, (__int64)&a3, 4LL); set_status(85LL);
Factory firmware version is retrieved from idstorage and written to keyring slot 0x50F. The factory firmware must be not higher than this second_loader version, otherwise the boot is aborted to prevent downgrading below factory firmware version.
ret = idps_and_openpsid_800B06(); v50 = ret; if ( !ret ) { set_status(95LL);
IDPS and OpenPSID are retrieved from idstorage and written to keyslots 0x509 and 0x50D.
v22 = calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(6LL); v50 = v22; if ( (_DWORD)v22 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 95LL, v22, 0LL); some_set_clock_808960(6LL); some_set_clock2_808982(); v23 = 0x800F0026; if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume ) { dmac_init_804BEC(&ctx); v23 = dmac_memset_int_804F04(0x40000000LL, 0x200000LL, 0LL, &ctx); } set_status(86LL); v24 = syscon_read_cmd_0x1082_ptr_0x480_into_gbuf_80232A(); v50 = v24; if ( (_DWORD)v24 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 86LL, v24, 0LL); if ( !v20 ) syscon_read_cmd_0x1082_ptr_0x4a0_into_kbl_param_802346(); if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume && !v23 ) dmac_wait_804C16(&ctx); set_status(77LL); if ( (_DWORD)is_resume ) v25 = syscon_ver > 0x1000101; else v25 = 0LL; v50 = derive_slots_and_set_0x50B_8023A2(v25); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 77LL; LABEL_77: v8 = (unsigned int)v50; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(81LL); v50 = pervasive_and_syscon_cmd_0x888_optional_801038(v26); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 81LL; goto LABEL_77; } memset((__int64)line_0x510, 0LL, 0x20LL); if ( sub_802050() ) { set_status(87LL); v27 = read_syscon_cmd_0x90_off_0xE0_802056((__int64)line_0x510); v50 = v27; if ( (_DWORD)v27 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 87LL, v27, 0LL); if ( !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0x9FLL) && !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0x81LL) ) sub_808B66(1LL); } write_kbl_param_fields_from_syscon_801FC0(); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x510LL, (__int64)line_0x510, 0x20LL); memset((__int64)line_0x50A, 0LL, 0x10LL); set_keys_0x506_0x507_8020EA(); if ( !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0xF0LL) ) { set_status(88LL); v28 = some_syscon_derivation_802112((__int64)line_0x50A); v50 = v28; if ( (_DWORD)v28 != 0x800F0002 && (_DWORD)v28 != 0x800F0025 ) { if ( (_DWORD)v28 ) { report_error_808CAA(1LL, 88LL, v28, 0LL); } else if ( is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 241LL) ) { unset_bit_8022F4((__int64)line_0x50A, 13LL, 1LL); unset_bit_8022F4((__int64)line_0x50A, 14LL, 1LL); } } } keyring_writeX_80250C(0x50ALL, (__int64)line_0x50A, 0x10LL); set_status(70LL);
ret = zero_801B0E(); v50 = ret; if ( !ret ) { set_status(71LL);
v50 = zero_801B24(); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); report_error_808CAA(2LL, 71LL, (unsigned int)v50, 0LL); set_status(79LL); goto LABEL_23; } set_status(73LL);
kbl decryption
kbl_fw_version = 0; if ( (_DWORD)is_resume && (boot_type & 0x7F) != 0x17 ) { copy_arm_tz_reset_vectors_800A9A(); } else { v50 = decrypt_kernel_boot_loader_self_801162((__int64)&kbl_fw_version); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 73LL; goto LABEL_77; } } set_status(89LL);
If resume, ARM exception vectors are copied from TZ memory at 0x40000000 to 0x1F000000 (0x0 alias on ARM). If coldboot, kernel_boot_loader.self is loaded from emmc and decrypted.
syscon_unk_808C2A(); print_info_log_800A5E(); seven = ret_7_801B2C(); six = ret_6_801B30(); *(_DWORD *)(unsigned int)&dword_80C698 = zero_801B34(); sub_804764((unsigned int)&unk_801888); set_status(78LL);
Check kbl version integrity
v8 = set_and_check_current_fw_version_800E74(kbl_fw_version, is_resume); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 78LL; goto LABEL_21; } sub_804786((__int64)&v50); v8 = (unsigned int)v50; if ( v50 ) { v9 = 74LL; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(94LL);
??? If coldboot, makes sure that kbl version from SELF matches this second_loader version. Also writes current version to keyslots 0x50E and 0x518. ???
Check kbl fw version vs factory version
if ( (_DWORD)is_resume || kbl_fw_version >= a3 ) { set_status(90LL);
If coldboot, make sure that kbl version is not lower than factory firmware version.
Write KBL Param fields
write_kbl_param_801C36((__int64)line_0x510, (__int64)line_0x50A, boot_type, is_resume, a3); set_status(96LL);
Writes most of KBL Param fields ???
v29 = reads_pervasivevid_calls_syscon_0x88E_80899C(seven); v50 = v29; if ( (_DWORD)v29 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 76LL, v29, 0LL); set_status(76LL);
Prepares to start ARM
v8 = prepare_to_start_arm_80878A(seven, *(unsigned int *)(unsigned int)&dword_80C698, 0LL); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 76LL; goto LABEL_21; } v30 = some_line; set_status(80LL);
Some dance with ARM clock/pervasive stuff ???
read_line32_8003E8(0x602LL, (__int64)some_line); v31 = 0xE0020100LL; v32 = some_line; v33 = 8; do { v34 = *(_DWORD *)v32; v32 = (char *)(unsigned int)((_DWORD)v32 + 4); *(_DWORD *)v31 = v34; v31 = (unsigned int)(v31 + 4); --v33; } while ( v33 ); read_line32_8003E8(0x601LL, (__int64)some_line); v35 = 8; do { v36 = *(_DWORD *)v30; v30 = (char *)(unsigned int)((_DWORD)v30 + 4); *(_DWORD *)v31 = v36; v31 = (unsigned int)(v31 + 4); --v35; } while ( v35 ); nullsub_2(); if ( six < 7 ) { if ( six != 6 ) { some_set_clock_808960(six); calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(six); } } else { calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(six); some_set_clock_808960(six); } } else { report_error_808CAA(2LL, 94LL, a3, kbl_fw_version); ret = 0x800F0030; } } } LABEL_97: protect_lines_and_set_E002_8010CE(); if ( ret ) { send_status_to_arm_8010E2(0LL); print_info_log_800A5E(); set_number_base_808D40((unsigned int)&g_unused, 0x10LL); printnum_808D46(2LL); printf((unsigned int)aB1B004fa16); // boot failed randnum = dword_E005003C; sleep_8051D0((unsigned __int16)randnum); if ( !sub_808B82() && sub_803744() ) syscon_cmd_0xC0_804606(0LL, 0LL); } else { send_status_to_arm_8010E2(1LL); syncm_8003E0(); set_status(64LL); } return ret; }
eeprom protection
On 0.995 and 3.60 the following lines are protected after starting arm: 0x0-0x7F, 0x140-0x17F, 0x200-0x203, 0x206-0x20D, 0x344-0x353, 0x400-0x47F, 0x502-0x57F, 0x700-0x77F
The protection it sets is 0x1C1F (so f00d read disabled).
Bypassing version checks
memeprom line 0x50B offset 0x4 bit 1 set = ignore version mismatch errors. This line itself is set from SNVS 0xD2 block 0. Alternatively set version to 0xDEADBEEF to skip.
Session key/coredump encryption
0x20 random bytes are generated and written to keyslot 0x51A. Then, the buffer is encrypted with aes128-cbc using coredump_key and coredump_iv. The result is copied to KBL Param +0x100 (0x1F000200)