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SceExcpmgr is a kernel module that sets up exception handling and a version exists in both worlds. In non-secure world, after the kernel is booted up, the exception handlers pointed to by VBAR all jump into code in this module.


This module exists in both non-secure and secure world. The non-secure world SELF can be found in os0:kd/sysmem.skprx.

Known NIDs

Version Name World Privilege NID
1.69 SceExcpmgr Non-secure Kernel 0xBBCA9AB6
3.60 SceExcpmgr Non-secure Kernel 0xF3D9E37C
1.69 SceExcpmgr Secure Kernel 0x93332B9A


This module only exports kernel libraries.

Known NIDs

Version Name World Visibility NID
1.69 SceExcpmgrForKernel Non-secure Kernel 0x4CA0FDD5
3.60 SceExcpmgrForKernel Non-secure Kernel 0x4CA0FDD5
1.69 SceExcpmgrForTZS Secure Kernel 0x8F526F35



Version NID
3.60 0x03499636

Installs an exception handler.

int sceKernelRegisterPriorityExceptionHandlerForKernel(int excpcode, int priority, void *function);

The function must be ARM and not thumb, and the allowed priority values are from 0 to 7 (including them).

Where excpcode can be:

  • Reset: excpcode = 0
  • Undefined Instruction: excpcode = 1
  • Supervisor Call: excpcode = 2
  • Prefetch Abort: excpcode = 3
  • Data Abort: excpcode = 4
  • Not used: excpcode = 5
  • IRQ interrupt: excpcode = 6
  • FIQ interrupt: excpcode = 7




The Syscalls interface is defined in non-secure kernel as:

Register Value
R0 First argument
R1 Second argument
R2 Third argument
R3 Fourth argument
R12 Syscall number

On return, R1-R3 and R12 are cleared to 0x0 or 0xDEADBEEF to prevent any data leaks. All user pointers passed to syscalls are accessed with ARM instructions LDRT and STRT for hardware forced permission checks. Syscalls 0x0 - 0xFF are likely a "fastcall" interface that do not mask interrupts or set the DACR, however currently are no such fastcalls defined. Syscalls 0x100 - 0xFFF are made with IRQ interrupts masked and DACR set to 0xFFFF0000 (to prevent access to certain memory domains). Any other syscall numbers are invalid.

System calls are handled in "system" mode defined in ARMv7 (mode 0b11111).

User exported functions loaded by SceKernelModulemgr are exported as syscalls. The number assigned to the syscall are randomized with respect to each library but not within a library. That means, for example, two functions exported by a library will always be some syscall number apart even though that number will change on each boot.

There is no SVC in secure world because all code in secure world is running as kernel.


The SMC interface for making a non-secure kernel call to secure-kernel is:

Register Value
R0 First argument
R1 Second argument
R2 Third argument
R3 Fourth argument
R12 Secure service number

The SMC interface is very similar to SVC from userland to non-secure kernel. The SMC handler and MVBAR is set up in secure world by SceExcpmgrForTZS. 0x0 - 0xFF are fast service calls. 0x100 - 0xFFF are normal service calls ran with IRQs masked.

Secure services are ran in ARM system processor mode (0b11111) in the secure world.

SMC calls are registered by SceIntrmgrForTZS.

SMC calls

Number Arguments Notes
int smc_set_sce_shared_memory_block_s(unsigned int paddr, unsigned int size);
int smc_disable_virtual_ranges(void);
Disables the virtual ranges: 0x40000000-0x40100000, 0x50000000-0x51000000 and 0x51000000-0x52000000 to the context with PID 0x10007.
int smc_ple_flush_kill_and_l1_dcache_clean_invalidate_all(void);
Flushes (and kills if there is activity) the PLE (Preload Engine) and then cleans and invalidates all the L1 Dcache.
int smc_bus_freq_op(int operation, unsigned int freq);
op = 0: Set bus frequency, op = 1: Get bus frequency, op = 2: Set GPU Xbar frequency, op = 3: Get GPU Xbar frequency
int smc_cdram_enable(void);
Seems to enable the CDRAM (by using the SceEmcTop registers).
0x118 CDRAM related Seems to enable something CDRAM related.
0x119 CDRAM related Seems to disable something CDRAM related.
int smc_reset_device(int type, int mode);
Reset device (check [1] for more info).
int smc_mips_set_memory_bank_start_paddr(int bank, unsigned int paddr);
Valid banks 0-7, and paddrs: 0x20000000-0x2FFFFFFF and 0x42800000-0x7FFFFFFF.
int smc_mips_get_memory_bank_start_paddr(int bank);
Valid banks 0-7.
int smc_intr_crash(char *error_type, void *TTBR0, void *VBAR, int sysroot_vaddr);
int smc_sbl_sm_sched_proxy_invoke(int priority, uintptr_t paddr, unsigned int num_pairs, int id);
Used by sceSblSmSchedProxyInvoke.
int smc_sbl_sm_sched_proxy_wait(int id, int idx);
Used by sceSblSmSchedProxyWait.
int smc_sbl_sm_sched_proxy_get_status(int id, int idx);
Used by sceSblSmSchedProxyGetStatus.
0x130 SBL SM Sched related
int smc_sbl_sm_sched_call_func(int id, int unk, uintptr_t cmd_paddr);
Used by sceSblSmSchedCallFunc. cmd_paddr is paddr(SceSblSmschedCallFuncCommand) | 1.
0x134 SBL SM Sched related
0x135 SBL SM Sched related
0x136 SBL SM Sched related
0x137 SBL SM Sched related
0x138 SBL SM Sched related
0x139 SBL SM Sched related
0x13A SBL SM Sched related. Interrupt Cry2Arm set enable.
0x13B SBL SM Sched related. Interrupt Cry2Arm clear enable.
0x13C SBL SM Sched related. Waits polling. Called by SceSblSsMgr SysEvent handler just before entering suspend mode.
int smc_0x168_dmac(int index, int value);
SceDmacmgrDmac related. Writes value to SceDmacmgrDmacN + 0x100.
int smc_0x169_dmac(int index, int value);
SceDmacmgrDmac related. Writes value to SceDmacmgrDmacN + 0x104.
int smc_l2_write_control_register(int value);
Flushes and invalidates the entire L2 Cache (Clean and Invalidate by Way with way = 0xFFFF, offset 0x7FC), then performs an L2 Cache Sync (offset 0x730), and finally writes value to the L2 Control Register (offset 0x100).
int smc_l2_write_auxiliary_control_register(int value);
Writes value to the L2 Auxiliary Control Register (offset 0x104).


On development units, data and prefetch aborts can handle BKPT instruction for software breakpoints. SceDebug uses this to handle usermode breakpoints. There is no built-in support for BKPT in kernel code.

SceSysmem uses data aborts with the LDRT and STRT instructions to implement user pointer checking. When LDRT/STRT throws a MMU data exception because of an invalid access and the exception came from the sceKernelMemcpyUserToKernel or sceKernelMemcpyKernelToUser (or related functions), the data abort handler will resume execution.


IRQs are only handled in non-secure world. An IRQ in secure world is fatal. See SceKernelIntrMgr.


FIQs are only handled in secure world because of the bit set in the SCR. Because of this, it is likely that secure devices such as the F00D Processor use FIQs to communicate with the Cortex A9 cores. See SceKernelIntrMgr.