Second Loader
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Boot process (3.60)
int __usercall boot_800432@<W4>() { v51 = v0; setup_gpio_0_1_leds_809422(); gpio_something_809582(0LL, 7LL, 0LL); gpio_something2_80950A(0LL, 7LL); memset_FF_16_bytes_802302(); sub_80193E(); clear_line_0x516_80255C(); set_emmc_hook_80712A(0x80374ELL); // syscon_setup_80374E ret = try_init_emmc_801070(); v50 = ret; if ( ret ) goto LABEL_97; get_syscon_setup_cached_retval_807132((__int64)&v50); ret = v50; if ( v50 ) goto LABEL_97; model_info = get_cached_model_info_8038F2(); model_info_1 = model_info; set_global_model_info_808C24(model_info); model_upper = model_info_1 & 0xFF0000; if ( model_upper == 0x600000 ) goto its_devkit; if ( model_upper > 0x600000 ) goto LABEL_8; if ( model_upper == 0x310000 ) goto its_devkit; v5 = 0x100000; if ( model_upper > 0x310000 ) { if ( model_upper == 0x410000 ) goto its_devkit; LABEL_8: if ( model_upper == 0x800000 || model_upper <= 0x800000 && model_upper == 0x700000 || model_upper == 0x820000 ) goto its_devkit; v5 = 0x900000; goto LABEL_13; } do { LABEL_13: if ( model_upper == v5 ) { its_devkit: sub_802044(); enable_leds_808B7A(); } set_status(65LL); v6 = get_syscon_ver_8038EC(); v5 = 0x802FF; syscon_ver = v6; } while ( v6 <= 0x802FF ); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x508LL, (__int64)&syscon_ver, 4LL); model_info_2 = get_cached_model_info_8038F2(); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x51BLL, (__int64)&model_info_2, 4LL); if ( (model_info_2 & 0xFF0000u) > 0x7FFFFF ) v7 = 0x1030; else v7 = 0x10; dword_E3100180 = v7; set_status(67LL); boot_type = 0; v8 = syscon_cmd_0x10_get_boot_type_80452A((__int64)&boot_type); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 67LL; LABEL_21: v10 = 0LL; LABEL_22: report_error_808CAA(2LL, v9, v8, v10); LABEL_23: ret = v50; goto LABEL_97; } set_status(68LL); ret_from_E002_1 = dword_E0020004; ret_from_E002 = ret_from_E002_1; ret_from_brom_1 = dword_E0010004; ret_from_brom = ret_from_brom_1; v15 = dword_E0062020; v8 = check_0x501_protection_and_compare_800DBC(ret_from_E002, ret_from_brom); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 68LL; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(69LL); is_resume = (boot_type >> 7) & 1; v17 = something_with_dram_808662(1LL, is_resume); v50 = v17; if ( (_DWORD)v17 ) { v18 = (unsigned __int8)sub_80877E(); v19 = sub_808784(); v9 = 69LL; v8 = v17; v10 = (v18 << 8) | (unsigned int)v19; goto LABEL_22; } if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume ) goto LABEL_32; if ( !check_tz_magic_800A82() ) { is_resume = 0LL; LABEL_32: v20 = 0; clear_sysroot_801C0C(); goto LBL_123; } if ( copy_sysroot_to_0x4001FD00_801C1E() ) { is_resume = 1LL; goto LABEL_32; } is_resume = 1LL; v20 = 1; LBL_123: emmc_key_reg = dword_E0070004; if ( emmc_key_reg & 1 ) { set_status(82LL); report_error_808CAA(2LL, 82LL, 0x800F0029LL, 0LL); ret = 0x800F0029; goto LABEL_97; } sub_806B58(0x40000500LL, 0x1000LL); set_status(84LL); a3 = 0; v8 = get_factory_fw_801BAC((__int64)&a3); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 84LL; goto LABEL_21; } v10 = a3; if ( a3 >= 0x3600001 ) { v8 = 0x800F0030LL; v50 = 0x800F0030; v9 = 84LL; goto LABEL_22; } keyring_writeX_80250C(0x50FLL, (__int64)&a3, 4LL); set_status(85LL); ret = idps_and_openpsid_800B06(); v50 = ret; if ( !ret ) { set_status(95LL); v22 = calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(6LL); v50 = v22; if ( (_DWORD)v22 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 95LL, v22, 0LL); some_set_clock_808960(6LL); some_set_clock2_808982(); v23 = 0x800F0026; if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume ) { dmac_init_804BEC(&ctx); v23 = dmac_memset_int_804F04(0x40000000LL, 0x200000LL, 0LL, &ctx); } set_status(86LL); v24 = syscon_read_cmd_0x1082_ptr_0x480_into_gbuf_80232A(); v50 = v24; if ( (_DWORD)v24 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 86LL, v24, 0LL); if ( !v20 ) syscon_read_cmd_0x1082_ptr_0x4a0_into_sysroot_802346(); if ( !(_DWORD)is_resume && !v23 ) dmac_wait_804C16(&ctx); set_status(77LL); if ( (_DWORD)is_resume ) v25 = syscon_ver > 0x1000101; else v25 = 0LL; v50 = derive_slots_and_set_0x50B_8023A2(v25); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 77LL; LABEL_77: v8 = (unsigned int)v50; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(81LL); v50 = pervasive_and_syscon_cmd_0x888_optional_801038(v26); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 81LL; goto LABEL_77; } memset((__int64)line_0x510, 0LL, 0x20LL); if ( sub_802050() ) { set_status(87LL); v27 = read_syscon_cmd_0x90_off_0xE0_802056((__int64)line_0x510); v50 = v27; if ( (_DWORD)v27 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 87LL, v27, 0LL); if ( !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0x9FLL) && !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0x81LL) ) sub_808B66(1LL); } write_sysroot_fields_from_syscon_801FC0(); keyring_writeX_80250C(0x510LL, (__int64)line_0x510, 0x20LL); memset((__int64)line_0x50A, 0LL, 0x10LL); set_keys_0x506_0x507_8020EA(); if ( !is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 0xF0LL) ) { set_status(88LL); v28 = some_syscon_derivation_802112((__int64)line_0x50A); v50 = v28; if ( (_DWORD)v28 != 0x800F0002 && (_DWORD)v28 != 0x800F0025 ) { if ( (_DWORD)v28 ) { report_error_808CAA(1LL, 88LL, v28, 0LL); } else if ( is_bit_set_802088((__int64)line_0x510, 241LL) ) { unset_bit_8022F4((__int64)line_0x50A, 13LL, 1LL); unset_bit_8022F4((__int64)line_0x50A, 14LL, 1LL); } } } keyring_writeX_80250C(0x50ALL, (__int64)line_0x50A, 0x10LL); set_status(70LL); ret = zero_801B0E(); v50 = ret; if ( !ret ) { set_status(71LL); v50 = zero_801B24(); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); report_error_808CAA(2LL, 71LL, (unsigned int)v50, 0LL); set_status(79LL); goto LABEL_23; } set_status(73LL); kbl_fw_version = 0; if ( (_DWORD)is_resume && (boot_type & 0x7F) != 0x17 ) { copy_arm_tz_reset_vectors_800A9A(); } else { v50 = decrypt_kernel_boot_loader_self_801162((__int64)&kbl_fw_version); if ( v50 ) { syscon_unk_808C2A(); v9 = 73LL; goto LABEL_77; } } set_status(89LL); syscon_unk_808C2A(); print_info_log_800A5E(); seven = ret_7_801B2C(); six = ret_6_801B30(); *(_DWORD *)(unsigned int)&dword_80C698 = zero_801B34(); sub_804764((unsigned int)&unk_801888); set_status(78LL); v8 = set_and_check_current_fw_version_800E74(kbl_fw_version, is_resume); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 78LL; goto LABEL_21; } sub_804786((__int64)&v50); v8 = (unsigned int)v50; if ( v50 ) { v9 = 74LL; goto LABEL_21; } set_status(94LL); if ( (_DWORD)is_resume || kbl_fw_version >= a3 ) { set_status(90LL); write_sysroot_801C36((__int64)line_0x510, (__int64)line_0x50A, boot_type, is_resume, a3); set_status(96LL); v29 = reads_pervasivevid_calls_syscon_0x88E_80899C(seven); v50 = v29; if ( (_DWORD)v29 ) report_error_808CAA(1LL, 0x4CLL, v29, 0LL); set_status(0x4CLL); v8 = prepare_to_start_arm_80878A(seven, *(unsigned int *)(unsigned int)&dword_80C698, 0LL); v50 = v8; if ( (_DWORD)v8 ) { v9 = 0x4CLL; goto LABEL_21; } v30 = some_line; set_status(80LL); read_line32_8003E8(0x602LL, (__int64)some_line); v31 = 0xE0020100LL; v32 = some_line; v33 = 8; do { v34 = *(_DWORD *)v32; v32 = (char *)(unsigned int)((_DWORD)v32 + 4); *(_DWORD *)v31 = v34; v31 = (unsigned int)(v31 + 4); --v33; } while ( v33 ); read_line32_8003E8(0x601LL, (__int64)some_line); v35 = 8; do { v36 = *(_DWORD *)v30; v30 = (char *)(unsigned int)((_DWORD)v30 + 4); *(_DWORD *)v31 = v36; v31 = (unsigned int)(v31 + 4); --v35; } while ( v35 ); nullsub_2(); if ( six < 7 ) { if ( six != 6 ) { some_set_clock_808960(six); calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(six); } } else { calls_syscon_0x88E_8089F0(six); some_set_clock_808960(six); } } else { report_error_808CAA(2LL, 94LL, a3, kbl_fw_version); ret = 0x800F0030; } } } LABEL_97: protect_lines_and_set_E002_8010CE(); if ( ret ) { send_status_to_arm_8010E2(0LL); print_info_log_800A5E(); set_number_base_808D40((unsigned int)&g_unused, 0x10LL); printnum_808D46(2LL); printf((unsigned int)aB1B004fa16); // boot failed randnum = dword_E005003C; sleep_8051D0((unsigned __int16)randnum); if ( !sub_808B82() && sub_803744() ) syscon_cmd_0xC0_804606(0LL, 0LL); } else { send_status_to_arm_8010E2(1LL); syncm_8003E0(); set_status(64LL); } return ret; }
eeprom protection
On 0.995 and 3.60 the following lines are protected after starting arm: 0x0-0x7F, 0x140-0x17F, 0x200-0x203, 0x206-0x20D, 0x344-0x353, 0x400-0x47F, 0x502-0x57F, 0x700-0x77F
The protection it sets is 0x1C1F (so f00d read disabled).
Bypassing version checks
memeprom line 0x50B offset 0x4 bit 1 set = ignore version mismatch errors. This line itself is set from SNVS 0xD2 block 0. Alternatively set version to 0xDEADBEEF to skip.
Session key/coredump encryption
0x20 random bytes are generated and written to keyslot 0x51A. Then, the buffer is encrypted with aes128-cbc using coredump_key and coredump_iv. The result is copied to sysroot buffer +0x100 (0x1F000200)