ARM Debugger Interface
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The PS Vita has an ARM debugger interface in the form of the CoreSight System Trace Macrocell (STM).
ROM Table
Offset | Size | Component Class | Part Number | JEP 106 ID | Revision | Device Type | Description |
0x0 | 0x1000 | 0x1 = ROM Table | 0x0 | 0x0 | 0x0 | ROM Table | |
0x1000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x907 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x21 = Trace Sink, Buffer | ETB (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x2000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x906 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x14 = Debug Control, Trigger Matrix | CTI (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x3000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x912 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x4 | 0x11 = Trace Sink, Trace Port | TPIU (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x4000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x908 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x1 | 0x12 = Trace Link, Trace funnel, Router. | Funnel (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x5000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x913 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x2 | 0x43 = Trace Source, Bus | ITM (CoreSight Design Kits) |
0x100000 | 0x1000 | 0x1 = ROM Table | 0x4A9 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | Cortex A9 SMP ROM Table | |
0x110000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0xC09 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Debug Logic, Processor core | DBG0 (Cortex A9) |
0x111000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x9A0 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Performance Monitor, Processor | PMU0 (Cortex A9) |
0x112000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0xC09 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Debug Logic, Processor core | DBG1 (Cortex A9) |
0x113000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x9A0 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Performance Monitor, Processor | PMU1 (Cortex A9) |
0x114000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0xC09 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Debug Logic, Processor core | DBG2 (Cortex A9) |
0x115000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x9A0 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Performance Monitor, Processor | PMU2 (Cortex A9) |
0x116000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0xC09 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Debug Logic, Processor core | DBG3 (Cortex A9) |
0x117000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x9A0 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x0 | 0x15 = Performance Monitor, Processor | PMU3 (Cortex A9) |
0x118000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x906 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x14 = Debug Control, Trigger Matrix | CTI0 (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x119000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x906 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x14 = Debug Control, Trigger Matrix | CTI1 (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x11A000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x906 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x14 = Debug Control, Trigger Matrix | CTI2 (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x11B000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x906 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x3 | 0x14 = Debug Control, Trigger Matrix | CTI3 (ARM CoreSight SoC-400) |
0x11C000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x950 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x1 | 0x13 = Trace Source, Processor | PTM0 (CoreSight PTM-A9) |
0x11D000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x950 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x1 | 0x13 = Trace Source, Processor | PTM1 (CoreSight PTM-A9) |
0x11E000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x950 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x1 | 0x13 = Trace Source, Processor | PTM2 (CoreSight PTM-A9) |
0x11F000 | 0x1000 | 0x9 = Debug component | 0x950 | 0x3B (ARM) | 0x1 | 0x13 = Trace Source, Processor | PTM3 (CoreSight PTM-A9) |
Additional reading
This section lists publications by ARM.
See Infocenter, for access to ARM documentation.
ARM publications
See the following documents for other relevant information:
- CoreSight System Trace Macrocell Implementation and Integration Manual (PR430-PRDC-011726)
- System Trace Macrocell Programmers' Model Architecture Specification (ARM IHI 0054)
- ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual (ARM DDI 0403)
- ARM Architecture Reference Manual, ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R edition (ARM DDI 0406)
- Embedded Trace Macrocell Architecture Specification (ARM IHI 0014)
- CoreSight Architecture Specification (ARM IHI 0029)
- CoreSight Components Technical Reference Manual (ARM DDI 0314)
- CoreSight Technology System Design Guide (ARM DGI 0012)
- ARM Debug Interface v5 Architecture Specification (ARM IHI 0031)
- AMBA AXI Protocol Specification (ARM IHI 0022)
- AMBA APB Protocol Specification (ARM IHI 0024)
- AMBA ATB Protocol Specification (ARM IHI 0032)
- AMBA DMA Controller DMA-330 Technical Reference Manual (ARM DDI 0424)
- RealView ICE and RealView Trace User Guide (ARM DUI 0155).
Other publications
This section lists relevant documents published by third parties:
- MIPI System Trace Protocol version 2 (STPv2).