SceSysmem Types

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typedef struct SceKernelVARange SceKernelVARange;
typedef struct SceKernelBootArgs SceKernelBootArgs;
typedef struct SceSysrootProcessHandler SceSysrootProcessHandler;
typedef struct SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers;
typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct;
typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct;

typedef struct SceKernelMMUContext { // size is 0xC on FWs 0.931-3.60
  SceUInt32 TTBR1;
  SceUInt32 DACR;
} SceKernelMMUContext;

typedef SceUInt32 SceCachedSecureModule;
#define SCE_CACHED_SECURE_MODULE_GCAUTHMGR 0            // os0:sm/gcauthmgr_sm.self
#define SCE_CACHED_SECURE_MODULE_RMAUTH 1               // os0:sm/rmauth_sm.self
#define SCE_CACHED_SECURE_MODULE_ENDEC_W_PORTABILITY 2  // os0:sm/encdec_w_portability_sm.self

typedef struct SceCachedSecureModuleInfo { // size is 0xC
	SceSize size;     // Size of this structure
	void *pSelfData;  // Virtual address of the SM
	SceSize selfSize; // Size of the SM
} SceCachedSecureModuleInfo;

typedef struct SceSysrootDbgpHandler { // size is 0x5C on FW 3.600.011
    SceSize size; // Size of this structure
    void (* unk_0x04)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
    void (* unk_0x08)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
    void (* unk_0x0C)(int a1);
    void (* unk_0x10)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
    void (* unk_0x14)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
    void (* unk_0x18)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, int flags, uint64_t time);
    void (* unk_0x1C)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    void (* unk_0x20)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    void (* unk_0x24)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    void (* unk_0x28)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, uint64_t time);
    void (* unk_0x2C)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, uint64_t time);
    int  (* unk_0x30)(SceUID pid);
    int  (* unk_0x34)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    int  (* unk_0x38)(int a1, int a2, void *a3);
    int  (* unk_0x3C)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    int  (* sceKernelGetPrxDebugFlag)(SceUID pid, int *pFlag); // This is a guessed name.
    int  (* unk_0x44)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, int flags, uint64_t time);
    int  (* unk_0x48)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
    void (* unk_0x4C)(void);
    void (* unk_0x50)(void);
    int  (* unk_0x54)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
    int  (* unk_0x58)(int a1, int a2, int a3);
} SceSysrootDbgpHandler;


typedef struct SceUIDSysrootObject { // size is 0x41C on FW 3.60-3.65
	void *object;
	SceClass *sce_class;
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceUInt32 magic1;
	int cpu_intr;
	SceSize boot_alloc_memory_size; // 0x400
	void *boot_alloc_memory; // used by boot time malloc
	int unk_0x1C; // 0x4
	void *unk_0x20; // size is 0x80-bytes
	SceUInt32 boot_flags; // 0x10 for coldboot, 0x1 for secure state
	SceUInt32 status;
	SceCorelockContext corelock_context;

	// start ModulePrivate
	int unk_0x34;   // ex:0
	int unk_0x38;   // ex:0
	void *unk_0x3C; // size is 4 byte
	void *unk_0x40; // Related to SceHeap. Size is 0xDC byte.
	SceExcpmgrData *ExcpmgrData; // Same as value returned by sceKernelGetExcpDataForKernel
	void *unk_0x48; // ?SceKernelIntrMgr data VA?
	void *unk_0x4C;
	void *unk_0x50;
	int unk_0x54;   // ex:0
	void *unk_0x58;
	int unk_0x5C;   // ex:0
	int unk_0x60;   // ex:0
	int unk_0x64;   // ex:0
	int unk_0x68;   // Used by Tzs SceSblSmsched
	// end ModulePrivate

	SceKblParam *kbl_param;
	SceKernelBootArgs *boot_args;
	SceUInt32 soc_revision;
	SceUInt32 pervasive_unk_dword; // read from physical address 0xE3100004 (ScePervasiveMisc + 0x4). ex: 0
	SceUInt32 kermit_revision;
	SceUInt32 model_info;
	SceUInt32 model_capability;

	void *longtime5base;

	int cpu_intr_for_init_callback;
	SceUInt32 init_callback_registable_base_number;
	struct {
		int (* callback)(int a1, void *args);
		void *args;

	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadMgrStartAfterProcess)(void);
	int (* sceKernelSysrootIofilemgrStart)(void);
	void *unk_0x2DC;
	void *unk_0x2E0;
	char *sysroot_names[9];
	SceUID this_object_uid;
	void *unk_0x30C; // size is 0x2C-bytes, maybe guid entry heap object
	void *unk_0x310;
	void *unk_0x314;
	void *VBAR;
	void *MVBAR;
	void *unk_0x320;
	void **unk_func_0x324; // SceSblACMgr
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION >= 0x3630000
	int (* sceKernelSysrootAppMgrFunction1)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6); // SceAppMgr + 0x2795, SceAppMgrForDriver_324DD34E
	SceUID (* sceKernelSysrootGetShellPid)(void);
	// offset: 0x330
	SceUID (* sceKernelSysrootGetThreadId)(void);
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction3)(void);                   // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0xC79, SceThreadmgrForDriver_91382762
	SceUID (* sceKernelSysrootGetProcessId)(void);
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction4)(void);                   // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0x8D1
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction5)(void);                   // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0x8ED
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION >= 0x3630000
	// offset: 0x344
	SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers *modulemgr_handlers;
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction6)(void);                   // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0x90D
	void (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction7)(void);                  // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0xE69
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction8)(void);                   // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0x8BD, SceThreadmgrForDriver_332E127C
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction9)(int a1, int a2, int a3); // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0x2541
	int (* sceKernelSysrootThreadFunction10)(int a1);                // Temp name, SceKernelThreadMgr + 0xC99, SceThreadmgrForDriver_AB977C72
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION < 0x3630000
	// offset: 0x350
	SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers *modulemgr_handlers;
	int unk_0x354; // ex:0xFFFFFFFF
	SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct *processmgr_callbacks_1;
	SceSysrootForDriver_733C243E_struct *processmgr_callbacks_2;
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION < 0x3630000
	void *unk_func_0x360; // SceDeci4pSDfMgr
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetBusError)(void *dst, SceSize len);
	int (* sceKernelSysrootAppMgrFunction1)(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6); // SceAppMgr + 0x2795, SceAppMgrForDriver_324DD34E
	SceUID (* sceKernelSysrootGetShellPid)(void);
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION >= 0x3630000
	// offset: 0x368
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetLicenseStatusForDriver)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0x9001, sceSblLicMgrGetLicenseStatusForDriver
	int (* unk_func_0x384)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB005, SceSblPostSsMgrForDriver_22599675, get flag
	int (* unk_func_0x388)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB011, SceSblPostSsMgrForDriver_9B49C249, get flag
	void *unk_func_0x360; // SceDeci4pSDfMgr
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetBusError)(void *dst, SceSize len);
	// offset: 0x37C
	void *unk_func_0x370; // SceCoredump + 0x7109, SceCoredumpForDriver_A7D214A7
	void *unk_func_0x374; // SceCoredump + 0x74F9, SceCoredumpForDriver_340856F7
	void *unk_func_0x378; // SceCoredump + 0x132ED, SceCoredumpForDriver_EF20949F
	int unk_0x37C; // ex:0
#if SCE_SDK_VERSION < 0x3630000
	// offset: 0x380
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetLicenseStatusForDriver)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0x9001, sceSblLicMgrGetLicenseStatusForDriver
	int (* unk_func_0x384)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB005, SceSblPostSsMgrForDriver_22599675, get flag
	int (* unk_func_0x388)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB011, SceSblPostSsMgrForDriver_9B49C249, get flag
	void *unk_func_0x38C;         // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB4ED, SceSblPostSsMgrForDriver_D8A2D465
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetTrilithiumBufferForDriver)(void); // SceSblPostSsMgr + 0xB111, sceSblUtMgrGetTrilithiumBufferForDriver
	int (* sceKernelSysrootHasNpTestFlag)(void);
	void *unk_func_0x398; // SceSblUpdateMgr + 0x8B01
	int (* sceKernelSysrootLedSetMode)(int led, int mode, void *led_configuration);
	SceKernelVARange *cached_sm_info_ranges; // See SceCachedSecureModuleInfo
	int (* sceKernelSysrootGetFunctionNameByNIDForKernel)(SceNID funcnid, const char **name); // sceNidsymtblGetFunctionNameByNIDForDriver
	void *SceSysrootForKernel_47724459_func; // SceDeci4pSDfMgr or SceDeci4pDfMgr, set by SceSysrootForDriver_C5EAF5F7
	void *unk_0x3AC; // SceDeci4pSDfMgr
	void *unk_struct_0x3B0; // SceDeci4pDfMgr
	void *unk_0x3B4; // SceDeci4pTsmp
	void *unk_0x3B8; // SceDeci4pTsmp
	void *unk_0x3BC; // SceDeci4pTsmp
	void *unk_0x3C0; // SceDeci4pTsmp
	SceSysrootProcessHandler *process_handler; // maybe for SceDeci4p
	SceSysrootDbgpHandler    *dbgp_handler;    // maybe for SceDeci4p
	void *unk_func_0x3CC; // SceNetPs + 0x3E51, SceNetPsForDriver_83A12CCC
	void *unk_func_0x3D0; // SceNetPs + 0x3F4D, SceNetPsForDriver_C000CA8F
	void *unk_func_0x3D4; // SceDeci4pTmcp
	void *unk_func_0x3D8; // SceDeci4pSDbgp
	void *unk_func_0x3DC; // SceNetPs + 0x3E51, SceNetPsForDriver_83A12CCC
	void *unk_func_0x3E0; // SceNetPs + 0x3F4D, SceNetPsForDriver_C000CA8F
	int (* sceKernelSysrootAppMgrFunction3)(int a1, int a2); // SceAppMgr + 0x9F49
	int (* sceKernelSysrootAppMgrFunction4)(int a1, int a2); // SceAppMgr + 0x9EED
	int (* sceKernelSysrootAppMgrFunction5)(int a1);	 // SceAppMgr + 0x9D31
	void *unk_func_0x3F0; // ScePfsMgr + 0x1, ScePfsMgrForKernel_4C148288
	void *unk_struct_0x3F4; // SceBt
	void *unk_struct_0x3F8; // SceHid
	void *unk_struct_0x3FC; // SceDeci4pSDbgp
	void *unk_data_0x400; // SceDeci4pSDbgp
	void *unk_func_0x404; // SceDeci4pSDfCtl
	void *unk_func_0x408; // SceDeci4pSDfCtl
	void *unk_func_0x40C; // ScePamgr
	void *unk_func_0x410; // ScePamgr
	void *unk_func_0x414; // ScePamgr
	SceUInt32 magic2;
} SceUIDSysrootObject;

typedef SceUIDSysrootObject SceSysroot;

typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct_0940 { // size is 0x48 on FWs 0.940-0.945
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x184;
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x188;
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x18C;
	void *sceKernelAllocCurrentProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelFreeCurrentProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelAllocRemoteProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelFreeRemoteProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelGetProcessLibdb;
	void *sceKernelSetProcessLibdb;
	void *ProcessmgrModuleStart2;
	void *sceKernelRegisterKPLS;
	void *sceKernelGetRemoteKPLS;
	void *sceKernelGetCurrentKPLS;
	void *sceKernelInhibitProcEvent;
        void *sceKernelPermitProcEvent;
	void *sceKernelInsertProcessThreadList;
	void *sceKernelDeleteProcessThreadList;
} SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct_0940;

typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct_0990 { // size is 0x44 on FWs 0.990-0.995
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x184;
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x188;
	void *get_dword_from_offset_0x18C;
	void *sceKernelAllocCurrentProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelFreeCurrentProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelAllocRemoteProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelFreeRemoteProcessHeap;
	void *sceKernelGetProcessLibdb;
	void *sceKernelSetProcessLibdb;
	void *ProcessmgrModuleStart2;
	void *sceKernelRegisterKPLS;
	void *sceKernelGetRemoteKPLS;
	void *sceKernelGetCurrentKPLS;
	void *sceKernelInhibitProcEvent;
	void *sceKernelPermitProcEvent;
	void *sceKernelGetProcessHeapID;
} SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct_0990;

// Size of SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct for FWs 0.996.070-0.996.090 is 0x58
// Size of SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct for FWs 1.000.071-1.500.151 (maybe higher) is 0x5C
typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct_3600 { // size is 0x44 on FWs 3.60-3.65, 
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
        //a1 might be process object (needs to be checked)
	SceInt32 (*get_dword_from_offset_0x1E4)(void* a1);
	SceInt32 (*get_dword_from_offset_0x1E8)(void* a1);
	SceInt32 (*get_dword_from_offset_0x1EC)(void* a1);
        //Allocations are made from current process' "Unique" heap
        //Fails if TPIDRPRW is NULL
	void *(*sceKernelAllocCurrentProcessHeap)(SceSize size, SceKernelHeapMemoryOpt* pOpt);
	SceInt32 (*sceKernelFreeCurrentProcessHeap)(void* addr);

	//Allocations are made from specified process' "Unique" heap
        //KERNEL_PID (0x10005), DummyProcessGame (0x10013) and DummyProcessSystem (0x10015) are accepted as PIDs
        void *(*sceKernelAllocRemoteProcessHeap)(ScePID pid, SceSize size, SceKernelHeapMemoryOpt* pOpt);
	SceInt32 (*sceKernelFreeRemoteProcessHeap)(ScePID pid, void* ptr);

	SceInt32 (*ProcessmgrModuleStart2)();

        //Equivalent to sceKernelWaitSema(processObject->EventLock_sema, 1, NULL);
	SceInt32 (*sceKernelInhibitProcEvent)(ScePID pid);
	//Equivalent to sceKernelSignalSema(processObject->EventLock_sema, 1);
        SceInt32 *(sceKernelPermitProcEvent)(ScePID pid);

        //info_type = 0 -> returns processObject->unk0x424
        //info_type = 1 -> returns processObject->MaxFHCount
        //other values -> return 0
        SceInt32 (*query_some_process_info)(ScePID pid, SceUInt32 info_type);

	SceInt32 (*sceKernelRegisterKPLS)(char* name, SceSize size);
        //Fails if TPIDRPRW is NULL
        void *(*sceKernelGetCurrentKPLS)(SceUInt32 key);
	SceInt32 (*sceKernelGetRemoteKPLS)(ScePID pid, SceUInt32 key, ScePVoid* pKPLS, SceBool create);

	SceInt32 (*sceKernelProcessDebugSuspend)(ScePID pid, int status);
        //Retreived from process object's SceLoadProcessParam
        SceInt32 (*sceKernelGetCompiledSdkVersionByPid)(ScePID pid, SceUInt32* pSdkVersion);
} SceSysrootForKernel_D29BCA77_struct;

typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct_old { // size is 0x28 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceUID (* sceKernelGetCurrentProcessId)(void);
	int (* sceKernelGetEntryHeap)(SceUID pid, int *pHeap);
	int (* SceProcessmgrForKernel_C77C2085)(SceUID pid);
	int (* sceKernelPIDtoAddressSpaceCB)(SceUID pid, void **pASCb);
	int (* FUN_81000000)(int* dst, int *src);
	int (* sceKernelGetProcessType)(SceUID pid);
	int (* sceKernelGetProcessSelfAuthInfo)(SceUID pid, SceSelfAuthInfo *self_auth_info);
	int (* sceKernelSetProcessSelfAuthInfo)(SceUID pid, SceSelfAuthInfo *self_auth_info);
	int (* sceKernelGetProcessAccessLevel)(SceUID pid);
} SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct_old;

typedef struct SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct { // size is 0x20 on FWs 3.60-3.65
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceInt32 (* funcGetProcessEntryHeapObject)(SceUID pid, void **entry_heap_obj);
	SceUID (* get_process_address_space_UID)(SceUID pid);
	SceInt32 (* funcGetProcessAddressSpaceCB)(SceUID pid, void **address_space_obj);
	SceInt32 (* sceKernelGetProcessSelfAuthInfo)(SceUID pid, SceSelfAuthInfo *self_auth_info);
	SceInt32 (* sceKernelGetProcessTitleId)(SceUID pid, char *title_id, SceSize len); // Copies processObject->list_entry->process_name to title_id - maybe this should be GetProcessName?
	SceInt32 (* sceKernelIncProcessResource)(SceUInt32 type); // Type must be < 0x3
	SceInt32 (* sceKernelDecProcessResource)(SceUInt32 type); //^
} SceSysrootForKernel_733C243E_struct;

typedef struct SceSysrootProcessHandler { // size is 0x28 on FW 3.60
	SceSize size;                                                       // Size of this structure
	void (* unk_4)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, int flags, SceUInt64 time); //!< process start shared modules
	void (* exit)(SceUID pid, int flags, SceUInt64 time);
	void (* kill)(SceUID pid);                                          //!< by SceShell
	void (* unk_10)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, SceUInt64 time);
	void (* unk_14)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, SceUInt64 time);
	void (* unk_18)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, int a3, void* maybe_process_info, SceUInt64 time);
	int (* on_process_created)(int maybe_pid, int maybe_modid, int a3);                 //!< called when process is created
	void (* unk_20)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, SceUInt64 time);
	void (* unk_24)(SceUID pid, SceUID modid, int flags, SceUInt64 time);
} SceSysrootProcessHandler;

typedef struct SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers { // size is 0x18 on FW 3.60
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	int (* sceKernelGetProcessSyscallInfo)(SceUID pid, const void *module_addr, void *pInfo); // SceKernelModulemgr + 0x20D0 on FW 3.60
	int (* handler_2)(SceUID pid, const void *module_addr); // SceKernelModulemgr + 0x1F44 on FW 3.60
	void *sceKernelGetModuleInfoMinByAddr;
	void *sceKernelBacktraceInternal;
	void *sceKernelPrintBacktrace;
} SceSysrootModulemgrHandlers;

// ScePamgrCallbacks
typedef struct SceSysrootForDriver_C94C76FA_struct { // size is 0x10 on FW 3.60
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	int (__cdecl *unk_func_4)();
	int (__cdecl *unk_func_8)();
	int (__cdecl *unk_func_C)();
} SceSysrootForDriver_C94C76FA_struct;

typedef struct SceKernelFreeMemorySizeInfo {
	SceSize size;
	SceSize sizeMain;
	SceSize sizeCdram;
	SceSize sizePhycont;
} SceKernelFreeMemorySizeInfo;

//Constructor/destructor of a class item
//For classes inheriting another class, the constructors are called from the parent to the child
//while the destructors are called in reverse order (same as C++ cstr/dstr)
typedef int (*SceClassCallback)(void *item);

//What is this?
typedef struct SceClass_0990 { // size is 0x10 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	struct SceClass *next;
	struct SceClass *root; // to confirm
	struct SceClass *prev; // to confirm
} SceClass_0990;

// How is this structure wrong? So where is the valid SceClass for FW 3.60? See below
typedef struct SceClass_wrong { // size is 0x2C on FW 3.60
	struct SceClass *next;				// 0x00
	struct SceClass *root;				// 0x04
	struct SceClass *prev;				// 0x08
	const char *name;				// 0x0C
	struct SceClass *uid_class;			// 0x10
	unsigned int attr;				// 0x14
	unsigned short item_size;			// 0x18
	unsigned short unk_1A;				// 0x1A
	SceClassCallback constructor;			// 0x1C
	SceClassCallback destructor;			// 0x20
	const unsigned int magic;			// 0x24 - 0xABCE9DA5
	SceClassCallback allocMethod;			// 0x28
} SceClass_wrong;

typedef struct SceClass { //size is 0x28 on FW 0.990, 0x2C on FW 3.60
    struct SceClass *next;             //0x00 - pUserdata of SceKernelObject, pointer to next class in DLink list
    struct SceClass *pClass;           //0x04 - pClass of SceKernelObject, always points to SceUIDClass class
    struct SceClass *prev;             //0x08 - Pointer to previous class in DLink list
    const char* name;                  //0x0C - Pointer to class' name
    struct SceClass *parent;           //0x10 - Pointer to parent class
    SceUInt32 attr;                    //0x14 - Usage unknown (bottom 8 bits = some counter?)
    SceUInt16 itemSize;                //0x18 - Size of items of this class
    SceUInt16 itemAllocationSize;      //0x1A - Size of allocations used for items of this class (rounded up itemSize)
#if (/* firmware 3.60 */)
    SceUInt32 unk0x1C;                 //0x1C
    SceClassCallback constructor;      //0x1C / 0x20 - called after item is allocated
    SceClassCallback destructor;       //0x20 / 0x24 - called before item is freed
    SceUInt32 magic;                   //0x24 / 0x28 - magic value 0xABCD9DA5
    //NOTE: additional data can be stored here for use by the class
} SceClass;

// Aka SceObjectBase in vitasdk
typedef struct SceKernelObject {
	void *pObject;
	SceClass *pClass;
	uintptr_t data[];
} SceKernelObject;

// Here is a wrong structure for SceKernelObject, but this could be a SceUIDXxxClass structure
typedef struct SceKernelObject_wrong { // size is at least 0x24
	void *pObject;			// 0x0
	SceClass pClass;		// 0x4
	uint32_t type;			// 0x8
	uint16_t lcount;		// 0xC
	uint16_t ucount;		// 0xE
	uint16_t ccount;		// 0x10
	uint32_t unk_12;		// 0x12 - 0x54c3
	uint16_t unk_16;		// 0x16
	uint32_t uid;			// 0x18
	char unk_1C[4];			// 0x1C
	const char *name;		// 0x20
	uint32_t indexRaw;		// 0x24
} SceKernelObject_wrong;

/** @name Memory types that can be specified with sceKernelAllocMemBlock

 * @brief User readable / writable LPDDR2 memory
 * This type secures a readable / writable memory block in user space.


 * @brief User readable / writable LPDDR2 non-cache memory
 * A type to secure a memory block on LPDDR2 that is readable
 * and writable in user space and does not use cache.



 * @brief User readable and writable LPDDR2 physical continuous memory
 * A type that can read and write in user space and secure
 * memory blocks from the physical continuous memory area.

 * @brief User-readable and non-cacheable physical continuous memory
 * A type for on-cacheable read / write in user space and to secure
 * memory blocks from the physical continuous memory area.

 * @brief User-readable and non-cacheable CDRAM memory
 * A type that can be read and written in user space and secures
 * memory blocks on CDRAM.



 * @brief A type representing a memory type
 * A type that represents the type of memory block secured by sceKernelAllocMemBlock.
typedef int		SceKernelMemoryType;

 * @brief Memory block information structure
 * A structure for obtaining information about memory blocks. Size is 0x14 bytes on FW 0.990.
typedef struct SceKernelMemBlockInfo0990 {
	SceSize				size;			/**< Size of the structure itself */
	void				*mappedBase;		/**< Map base address */
	SceSize				mappedSize;		/**< Mapped size */
	SceKernelMemoryType		memoryType;		/**< Memory type */
	SceUInt32			access;			/**< Access right */
} SceKernelMemBlockInfo0990;

 * @brief Memory block information structure
 * A structure for obtaining information about memory blocks. Size is 0x18 bytes on FWs 0.996+.
typedef struct SceKernelMemBlockInfo {
	SceSize				size;			/**< Size of the structure itself */
	void				*mappedBase;		/**< Map base address */
	SceSize				mappedSize;		/**< Mapped size */
	SceKernelMemoryType		memoryType;		/**< Memory type */
	SceUInt32			access;			/**< Access right */
	SceKernelMemBlockType		type;			/**< Memory block type */
} SceKernelMemBlockInfo;

typedef struct SceKernelMemBlockInfoExDetails {
	SceKernelMemBlockType type;
	SceUID memblk_uid;
	const char *name;
	void *mappedBase;
	SceSize mappedSize;
	SceSize memblock_some_size_or_alignment;
	int extraLow;
	int extraHigh;
	int unk20;
	SceUID unk24; // ex: 0x10045, maybe some pid
	SceKernelObject *SceUIDPhyMemPartClass_obj;
} SceKernelMemBlockInfoExDetails;

typedef struct SceKernelMemBlockInfoEx { // size is 0xAC on FW 0.990, 0xB8 on FW 3.60
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceKernelMemBlockInfoExDetails details;
	SceSize unk30; // paddr num
	SceSize unk34; // paddr size num?
	void *paddr_list[0x10];
	SceSize size_list[0x10];
} SceKernelMemBlockInfoEx;

typedef struct SceKernelMemBlockInfoSimple { // size is 0x24 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceKernelMemBlockType type;
	SceUID uid;
	char *name; // "SceNULL" by default
	char unk_0x10[0x14];
} SceKernelMemBlockInfoSimple;

/*----- memory access permission -----*/

 * @brief readable memory

 * @brief writable memory

 * @brief executable memory (kernel only)

/*----- memory type -----*/

 * @brief uncache normal memory

 * @brief cache normal memory

 * Optional parameter of sceKernelAllocMemBlock for FWs <=0.940.
 typedef struct SceKernelAllocMemBlockOpt0940 { // size is 0x14 on FW 0.940-0.990
	SceSize		size;				/**< Size of this structure */
	SceUInt32	attr;				/**< Attributes field */
	SceSize		alignment;			/**< Specify alignment.
							SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_ALIGNMENT must be set for the attr member. */
	SceUID		uidBaseBlock;			/**< Base memory block UID */
	const char	*strBaseBlockName;		/**< Base memory block UID name */
} SceKernelAllocMemBlockOpt0940;

 * Option parameter of sceKernelAllocMemBlock
 typedef struct SceKernelAllocMemBlockOpt { // size is 0x14/0x38/0x3C/0x40 on FW 3.60
	 * Size of this structure
	SceSize		size;

	 * Attributes field
	SceUInt32	attr;

	 * Specify alignment.
	 * SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_ALIGNMENT must be set for the attr member.
	SceSize		alignment;

	 * reserved
	 SceUInt32	uidBaseBlock;

	 * reserved2
	const char	*strBaseBlockName;

#if 0
	 * mapped base address [out]
	void		*mappedBase;

	 * mapped size [out]
	SceSize		mappedSize;

	 * memory type [out]
	SceKernelMemoryType	memoryType;

	SceUInt32	access;
} SceKernelAllocMemBlockOpt;

 * Option parameter of kernel sceKernelAllocMemBlock on old FWs (as seen on FWs 0.900-0.990)
typedef struct SceKernelAllocMemBlockOptKernel_old { // size is 0x28 on 0.900, 0x2C on 0.910, 0x30 on 0.931-0.990, 0x34 on ?.??
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	SceUInt32 unk_4;
	SceUInt32 attr;
	void *vbase;
	void *pbase;			// Physical address to use as base
	SceSize alignment;
	SceUInt32 extraLow;
	SceUInt32 extraHigh;
	void *base;
	SceUID pid;
	SceKernelPAVector *pPAV;
	SceSize roundupUnitSize;
	SceUInt32 unk_30;
} SceKernelAllocMemBlockOptKernel_old;

 * Option parameter of kernel sceKernelAllocMemBlock on recent FWs (as seen on FW 3.60)
typedef struct SceKernelAllocMemBlockOptKernel { // size is 0x58 on FW 3.60
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	SceUInt32 unk_4;                // Never used?
	SceUInt32 attr;
	void *vbase;                    // Virtual address memblock should be mapped at
	void *pbase;			// Physical address to use as base
	SceSize alignment;
	SceSize extraLow;               // Size of extra area starting from memblock vbase
	SceSize extraHigh;              // Size of extra area starting "after" memblock - extra area is ?not mapped?
	SceUID baseMemBlock;            // UID of memblock this one is based on
	SceUID pid;
	SceKernelPAVector *pPAV;
	SceSize roundupUnitSize;        // Used to roundup memblock vsize
	SceUInt8 domain;
	SceUInt32 unk_34; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_38; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_3C; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_40; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_44; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_48; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_4C; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_50; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
	SceUInt32 unk_54; // Related to SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20
} SceKernelAllocMemBlockOptKernel;

 * Attributes to enable some SceKernelAllocMemBlockOpt members.
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x20         0x00000020
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_BASE         0x00000040
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_PID          0x00000080
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_BASENAME     0x00000200 // Only available for sceKernelAllocMemBlockForUser - kernel callers must use HAS_BASE instead
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_PPAV         0x00001000 // Official name may be HAS_PVECTOR
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_HAS_0x4000       0x00004000 // Some options when registering SceKernelBlock with guid
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_DONT_MAP         0x00040000 // Do not map the memory block in the virtual address space (unofficial name)
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_PHYCONT	        0x00200000 // Memory area is physically continuous.
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_UNK              0x00400000
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_SHARE_VBASE      0x00800000 // Memblock shares vbase with base block - requires HAS_BASE
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_SHARE_PHYPAGE    0x01000000 // Memblock shares physical pages with base block - requires HAS_BASE
#define SCE_KERNEL_ALLOC_MEMBLOCK_ATTR_ALLOW_PARTIAL_OP 0x04000000 // Allow partial operation. ?What does that mean?

 * UID is created by sceKernelOpen***()
#define SCE_UID_ATTR_OPEN_FLAG			0x00080000U

typedef struct SceKernelHeapInfo { // size is 0xCC on FW 0.990
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	char unk_4[0xC8];
} SceKernelHeapInfo;

typedef struct SceKernelHeapObject { // size is 0x40 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size;				// Size of this structure
	uint32_t unk_4;				// 0x4
	uint32_t unk_8;				// 0x8
	uint32_t unk_C;				// 0xC
	uint32_t unk_10;			// 0x10
	uint32_t unk_14;			// 0x14
	uint32_t unk_18;			// 0x18
	uint32_t unk_1C;			// 0x1C
	uint32_t unk_20;			// 0x20
	uint32_t unk_24;			// 0x24
	uint32_t unk_28;			// 0x28
	uint32_t unk_2C;			// 0x2C
	uint32_t unk_30;			// 0x30
	uint32_t magic;				// 0x34 - 0xD2BBDEC3
	uint32_t unk_38;			// 0x38
	uint32_t unk_3C;			// 0x3C
	uint32_t unk_40;			// 0x40
} SceKernelHeapObject;

typedef struct SceKernelFixedHeap { // size is 0x40 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size;				// Size of this structure
	SceClass pClass;			// 0x4
	uint32_t unk_8;				// 0x8
	uint32_t unk_C;				// 0xC
	uint32_t unk_10;			// 0x10
	uint32_t unk_14;			// 0x14
	uint32_t pageSize;			// 0x18 - min 0x1000 on FW 0.990
	uint16_t itemSize;			// 0x1C
	uint16_t unk_1E;			// 0x1E
	uint32_t unk_20;			// 0x20
	uint32_t unk_24;			// 0x24
	uint32_t magic;				// 0x28 - 0xFD9B28A6
	uint16_t sizeInWords;			// 0x2C
	uint16_t index;				// 0x2E
	SceKernelHeapObject *heapObject;	// 0x30
	uint32_t unk_34;			// 0x34
	uint32_t unk_38;			// 0x38
	uint16_t unk_3C;			// 0x3C
} SceKernelFixedHeap;

typedef struct SceKernelFixedHeapInfo_0990 { // size is 0x14 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	uint32_t unk_4;			// = (uint32_t)*(uint16_t *)(pObject + 0x1C)
	uint32_t unk_8;			// = *(uint32_t *)(pObject + 0x18) + (uint32_t)*(uint16_t *)(pObject + 0x2E)
	uint32_t unk_C;			// = (uint32_t)*(uint16_t *)(pObject + 0x1E)
	uint32_t unk_10;		// = (uint32_t)*(uint16_t *)(pObject + 0x20)
} SceKernelFixedHeapInfo_0990;

typedef struct SceKernelFixedHeapInfo {
    SceSize size;  //size of this structure (0x90 on FW 3.65)
    SceSize objectSize;
    SceSize totalHeapSize;
    SceSize totalItemCount;
    SceSize totalFreeCount;
    SceUInt32 nUsedMax;
    SceUInt32 unk_18;
    //These two fields may be a single Highwater counter
    SceUInt16 nItemInPage;
    SceUInt16 nMaxItemInPage;
    SceUInt32 nListCount;
    struct {
        SceUInt16 unk_00;
        SceUInt16 nCount;
        SceUInt32 unk_04;
        SceUInt32 unk_08;
        SceUInt32 unk_0C;
    } cpuCache[4];
    SceUInt32 unk_64;
    SceUInt32 unk_68;
    SceUInt32 unk_6C;
    SceUInt32 unk_70;
    SceUInt32 nItem;
    SceUInt32 unk_78;
    SceUInt32 nPage;
    SceUInt32 unk_80;
    SceUInt32 unk_84;
    SceUInt32 unk_88;
    SceUInt32 unk_8C;
} SceKernelFixedHeapInfo;

typedef struct SceKernelHeapMemoryOpt { // size is 0x14 on FW 0.990-3.60
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	uint32_t unk_4;			// ex: 0
	SceSize alignment;		// ex: 0x10, 0x40
	uint32_t unk_C;			// ex: 0, 0x20
	uint32_t unk_10;		// ex: 0
} SceKernelHeapMemoryOpt;

typedef struct SceKernelHeapCreateOpt { // size is 0x14 on FW 0.931-0.990, 0x1C on FW 3.60
  SceSize size;
	union { //<! Union for compatibility
		SceUInt32 attr;
		SceUInt32 uselock; //<! Do not use uselock as it will be deprecated. ex: 1, 0x100
  SceUInt32 field_8; // ex: 0x8000
  SceUInt32 field_C;
  SceUInt32 block_type; // wrongly called memtype in vitasdk
  SceUInt32 field_14;
  SceUInt32 field_18;
} SceKernelHeapCreateOpt;

typedef struct SceKernelMMUL1Info { // size is 0xC in 0.990 - holds information about a single L1PT entry
    SceUIntVAddr vbase; // Start of the virtual address range mapped by L1PT entry
    SceUIntPAddr pbase; // Start of the physical address held in L1PT - paddr mapped for Section, paddr of L2PT for Page Table entry
    SceUInt32 entryType; // 0 = Invalid (fault on access), 1 = Section/Supersection, 2 = Page Table
} SceKernelMMUL1Info;

typedef struct SceAddressSpace { // size is at least 0xEC
	char unk[0x14];
	SceKernelMMUContext *context;
	char unk[0xC4];
	void *funcAlloc;
	char unk2[0x8];
	uint32_t magic;			// always 0x4D95AEEC
} SceAddressSpace;

typedef struct SceKernelAddressSpaceCallback {
	SceUInt32 index;
	void *(* funcMalloc)(SceUInt32 index, SceSize length);
	void (* funcFree)(SceUInt32 index, void *ptr);
	// maybe more
} SceKernelAddressSpaceCallback;

typedef struct SceKernelAddressSpace { // size is 0x10 bytes on FW 0.940-3.60
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	int flag;
	SceKernelAddressSpaceCallback *data_0x08; // info dst buff ptr, need AddrSpace.flag = 2;
	void *TTBR1; // info dst buff ptr, need AddrSpace.flag |= 4;
} SceKernelAddressSpace;

typedef struct SceKernelAddressSpaceInfo { // size is 0x654-bytes
	SceSize size;
	SceUID asid;
	SceUInt8 paddinf[3];
	SceUInt32 nList;
	struct {
		SceSize size;
		SceUIDPartitionObject *pPart;
		SceUIntPtr vbase;
		SceSize vsize;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x10; // nBlock?
		SceSize vsizeRemain;
		const char *name;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x1C;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x20;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x24;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x28;
		SceUInt32 unk_0x2C;
	} list[0x20];
	SceUInt32 nPhyMemPart;
	SceUIDPhyMemPartObject *pPhyMemPart[0x10];
} SceKernelAddressSpaceInfo;

typedef struct SceKernelVARange {
	uint32_t addr;
	SceSize size;
} SceKernelVARange;

typedef struct SceKernelPARange {
	uint32_t addr;
	SceSize size;
} SceKernelPARange;

typedef struct SceKernelPAVector { // size is 0x14 on FW 0.990
	SceSize size;			// Size of this structure
	uint32_t pRanges_size;		// Ex: 8
	uint32_t nDataInVector;		// Must be <= 8
	uint32_t count;
	SceKernelPARange *pRanges;
} SceKernelPAVector;

#define SCE_KERNEL_PROCESS_ID_SELF 0 // Current running process ID is always 0.

typedef struct SceKernelPhyMemPart { // size is at least 0x9C on FWs 0.931-3.60
	uint32_t field_0x0;
	uint32_t field_0x4;
	uint32_t some_counter; // always positive
	uint32_t field_0xc;
	char *name;
	int type; // 0x10000 for Lpddr2Main, 0x30000 for Cdram
	int mutex;
	SceUIntPAddr pbase;
	SceSize totalSize;
	int field_0x24;
	void *pRoot;
	uint32_t field_0x2c;
	uint32_t field_0x30;
	uint32_t field_0x34;
	uint32_t field_0x38;
	int status;
	int pindex40; //1
	int field_0x44;
	int pindex48; //2
	int field_0x4c;
	int pindex50; //3
	int field_0x54;
	int pindex58; //4
	int field_0x5c;
	int pindex60; //5
	int field_0x64;
	int pindex68; //6
	int field_0x6c;
	int pindex70; //7
	int field_0x74;
	int pindex78; //8
	int field_0x7c;
	int pindex80; //9
	SceSize psize2;
	int min;
	int pindex8C; //10
	int field_0x90;
	SceUInt32 nClient;
	SceSize freeSize;
} SceKernelPhyMemPart;

typedef struct ScePhyMemPartInfoCore { // size is 0x10 on FWs 0.990-3.60
	SceUIntPAddr pbase; // same as SceKernelPhyMemPart field 0x1C
	SceSize totalSize;
	SceSize freeSize;
	SceUInt32 unk_C; // maybe some counter
} ScePhyMemPartInfoCore;

typedef struct SceKernelPhyMemLow { // size is 0x1C on 0.990
        SceUInt32 mutex;        // For use with sceKernelCpuLockSuspendIntrStoreLR
        SceUIntPAddr pbase;     // Base address of range managed by this instance
        SceSize psize;          // Size of range managed by this instance
        SceSize granularity;    // Minimum size that can be allocated from this instance (i.e. every allocation must be aligned to this)
        SceUInt32 unk10;        // Maybe backing memory type? Seen values: 0x20 (CDRAM)
        SceSize bitmapSize;     // Size of the bitmap array (in elements)
        SceUInt32* bitmap;      // Bitmap used to store which elements managed by this instance are in use - each bit represents a granularity-sized element. Status of element n can be found by looking at (bitmap[n / 32] >> (n % 32)): 0 means free, 1 means occupied  
} SceKernelPhyMemLow;

typedef struct ScePhyMemLowInfo { // size is 0x1C on 0.990
        SceSize size; // Size of this structure
        SceUIntPAddr pbase;
        SceSize psize;
        SceSize granularity;
        SceUInt32 unk10;       // unk14 from PhyMemLow
        SceSize bmArraySize;   // Size of the array pointed to by bitmap, IN ELEMENTS. Nothing is written here. Pass 0 if bitmap is NULL.
        SceUInt32* bitmap;     // Optional - array that receives a copy of the PhyMemLow bitmap
} ScePhyMemLowInfo;

//for 0.990

typedef struct SceKernelVSlot { // size is at least 0x40 on FW 3.65
    char unk_0x0[0x18];
    void* base_addr_or_offset;
    char unk_0x1C[8];
    void* some_struct;
    char unk_0x28[0xC];
    SceSize alloc_phy_size;
    SceSize alloc_size;
    int unk;
} SceKernelVSlot;

typedef SceVoid(*SceKernelSysrootVeneziaRpcDebugFunc)(SceUInt32 debugCode, SceUInt32 argNum, ...);

typedef SceVoid(*SceKernelSysrootVipRpcDebugFunc)(SceUInt32 debugCode, SceUInt32 argNum, ...);

// This is a guessed type name
typedef SceUInt32 SceKernelLockMode;
#define SCE_KERNEL_LOCK_MODE_0x10 0x10
#define SCE_KERNEL_LOCK_MODE_0x20 0x20

typedef struct SceKernelModulePrivate9 { // size is 0xAC-bytes on FW 3.60
	SceClass SceUIDModuleClass;
	SceClass SceUIDLibraryClass;
	SceClass SceUIDLibStubClass;
	SceKernelProcessLibdb libdb;
	SceUID ScePsp2BootConfig_modid;
} SceKernelModulePrivate9;

Debug Types

typedef struct kernel_message_ctx { // size is 0x18 on FW 3.60
  SceUInt32 fileHash; // First 4 bytes of SHA1(__FILE__) - e.g. 0x123EC4E8 = "processmgr.c"
  SceUInt32 lineHash; // First 4 bytes of SHA1("%s:%d" % (__FILE__, __LINE__)) - e.g. 0x7D3F4B00 = "boot.c:1868"
  SceUInt32 funcHash; // First 4 bytes of SHA1(__FUNC__) - e.g. 0x197C5ED2 = "LedModuleStart"
  const char *pFile;  // Pointer to file name - can be NULL.
  int line; //Line in file - ignored if pFile is NULL.
  const char *pFunc; // Pointer to function name - ignored if pFile is NULL.
} kernel_message_ctx;

 * An enumeration to represent the various logging levels which can be output by sceDbgLoggingHandler().
typedef enum SceDbgLogLevel {
	SCE_DBG_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE,     /* An extremely verbose logging level, mostly useful for internal developers. */
	SCE_DBG_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,     /* A diagnostic logging level. */
	SCE_DBG_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,      /* An informational logging level. */
	SCE_DBG_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,   /* A logging level that gives warnings of situations detrimental to proper execution. */
	SCE_DBG_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,     /* A logging level that will report erroneous conditions in execution. */
	SCE_DBG_NUM_LOG_LEVELS       /* The number of logging levels available. */
} SceDbgLogLevel;

Target Manager (Communication Processor) Logging levels.
These levels can be set using psp2ctrl set-logging-level <level>.

typedef struct SceSyscallInfo { // size is 0x3C on FW 3.60
	SceSize size; // Size of this structure
	SceUInt32 moduleFingerprint;
	SceUInt32 maybeModuleAttr;
	char moduleName[0x20];
	char *libName;
	SceUInt32 maybeLibAttr;
	SceUInt32 libVer;
	SceUInt32 libNid;
} SceSyscallInfo;

typedef struct SceSyscallFrame { // size is at least 0x5C on FW 3.60
	SceUInt32 r0; // 0x00
	SceUInt32 r1; // 0x04
	SceUInt32 r2; // 0x08
	SceUInt32 r3; // 0x0C
	SceUInt32 r4; // 0x10
	SceUInt32 r5; // 0x14
	SceUInt32 r6; // 0x18
	SceUInt32 r7; // 0x1C
	SceUInt32 r8; // 0x20
	SceUInt32 r9; // 0x24
	SceUInt32 r10; // 0x28
	SceUInt32 r11; // 0x2C
	SceUInt32 r12; // 0x30
	SceUInt32 unk_34; // 0x34
	void *entry; // 0x38
	SceUInt32 unk_3C; // 0x3C
	SceUInt32 resultType; // 0x40, 0-3
	int unk_44[3]; // 0x44
	SceUInt32 SP; // 0x50
	SceUInt32 LR; // 0x54
	SceUInt32 PC; // 0x58
} SceSyscallFrame;

// process
typedef struct SceKernelDebugEventLog1 { // size is 0x1C
	int data_0x40;
	SceUID pid;
	int budget_type;
	int data_0x4C;    // 0xA
	char titleid[0xC];
} __attribute__((packed)) SceKernelDebugEventLog1;

// Related to network
typedef struct SceKernelDebugEventLog2 { // size is 0x4
	int data_0x40;    // 0 or 0x80412118?
} __attribute__((packed)) SceKernelDebugEventLog2;

// Related to network
typedef struct SceKernelDebugEventLog3 { // size is 0x54
	int data_0x40;    // 0?
	char ip1[0x10];
	char ip2[0x10];
	char ip3[0x10];
	char ip4[0x10];
	char ip5[0x10];
} __attribute__((packed)) SceKernelDebugEventLog3;

typedef struct SceKernelDebugEventLog {
	SceSize size;
	int data_0x04;    // 0xA, titleid size?
	char titleid[0xC];
	int flags;
	SceUID ppid;
	SceUID data_0x1C; // thid?
	int rsvd[4];
	SceUInt64 time;
	int data_0x38;
	SceSize item_size;
	union {
		SceKernelDebugEventLog1 type1;
		SceKernelDebugEventLog2 type2;
		SceKernelDebugEventLog3 type3;
} __attribute__((packed)) SceKernelDebugEventLog;


uint GetPhyMemPartIndex(uint param_1) {
  uint cpuId;
  if (param_1 == 0xea0d050) goto LAB_81009494;
  if (param_1 < 0xea0d051) {
    if (param_1 == 0x620d004) {
      return 6;
    if (param_1 < 0x620d005) {
      if (param_1 != 0x3b0d060) {
        if (param_1 < 0x3b0d061) {
          if (param_1 != 0x3a0d060) {
            if (param_1 < 0x3a0d061) {
              if (param_1 == 0x3a0d040) goto LAB_81009494;
              if (param_1 == 0x3a0d050) {
                return 10;
            else {
              if (param_1 == 0x3b0d040) goto LAB_81009494;
              if (param_1 == 0x3b0d050) {
                return 0xb;
            goto LAB_81009402;
        else {
          if (param_1 != 0x3f0d060) {
            if (param_1 < 0x3f0d061) {
              if ((param_1 == 0x3f0d040) || (param_1 == 0x3f0d050)) goto LAB_81009494;
            else {
              if (param_1 == 0x6208004) {
                return 6;
              if (param_1 == 0x6208006) {
                return 6;
            goto LAB_81009402;
      return (param_1 << 8) >> 0x1c;
    if (param_1 == 0xc208060) {
      return 0xb;
    if (param_1 < 0xc208061) {
      if (param_1 == 0x9408060) {
        return 0xc;
      if (param_1 < 0x9408061) {
        if (param_1 == 0x620d006) {
          return 6;
        if (param_1 == 0x9404060) {
          return 0xc;
      else {
        if (param_1 == 0xb100860) {
          return 1;
        if (param_1 == 0xc200860) {
          return 0xb;
    else {
      if (param_1 == 0xea08040) goto LAB_81009494;
      if (param_1 < 0xea08041) {
        if (param_1 == 0xc20d050) {
          return 0xb;
        if (param_1 == 0xc20d060) {
          return 0xb;
      else {
        if (param_1 == 0xea08060) goto LAB_81009494;
        if (param_1 == 0xea0d040) {
          return 10;
  else {
    if (param_1 == 0x20108004) {
      return 1;
    if (param_1 < 0x20108005) {
      if (param_1 == 0x1020d006) {
        return 6;
      if (param_1 < 0x1020d007) {
        if (param_1 == 0x10208004) {
          return 6;
        if (param_1 < 0x10208005) {
          if (param_1 == 0xea0d060) goto LAB_81009494;
          if (param_1 == 0x10200806) {
            return 6;
        else {
          if (param_1 == 0x10208006) {
            return 6;
          if (param_1 == 0x1020d004) {
            return 6;
      else {
        if (param_1 == 0x20100206) {
          return 1;
        if (param_1 < 0x20100207) {
          if (param_1 == 0x1050d006) {
            return 5;
          if (param_1 == 0x20100204) {
            return 1;
        else {
          if (param_1 == 0x20100804) {
            return 1;
          if (param_1 == 0x20100806) {
            return 1;
    else {
      if (param_1 == 0x60208006) {
        return 6;
      if (param_1 < 0x60208007) {
        if (param_1 == 0x40404006) {
          return 0xc;
        if (param_1 < 0x40404007) {
          if (param_1 == 0x20108006) {
            return 1;
          if (param_1 == 0x2010d006) {
            return 1;
        else {
          if (param_1 == 0x40408006) {
            return 0xc;
          if (param_1 == 0x60208004) {
            return 6;
      else {
        if (param_1 == 0x6050d006) goto LAB_81009494;
        if (param_1 < 0x6050d007) {
          if (param_1 == 0x6020d004) {
            return 6;
          if (param_1 == 0x6020d006) {
            return 6;
        else {
          if (0x70f0d003 < param_1) {
            if (param_1 < 0x70f0d007) goto LAB_81009494;
            if (param_1 == 0xa0408006) {
              return 0xc;
  cpuId = sceKernelCpuIdForDriver();
             "%d:address_space.c:%s:Warning:Using SCE_KERNEL_PHYMEMPART_LPDDR2MAIN_KERNEL_INDEX for0x%08x\n"
             , cpuId, "GetPhyMemPartIndex", param_1);
  return 6;