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IFTU stands for Integrated Facility Terminating Unit. Related to Display, to MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor Interface) DSI (Display Serial Interface), to CSC (Color Space Conversion).
== IFTU Definition ==
Look [https://www.telecomarchive.com/docs/bsp-archive/365/365-353-011_I2.pdf] at chapter Facility Terminating Unit and Integrated
Facility Terminating Unit.
== MMIO Interfaces ==
== MMIO Interfaces ==
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Line 5: Line 13:
! Physical address
! Physical address
| SceIftu0RegA (OLED FB)
| SceIftu0RegA (OLED/LCD FB)
| 0xE5020000
| 0xE5020000
Line 23: Line 31:
| 0xE5032000
| 0xE5032000
| SceIftu2Reg
| SceIftu2Reg (probably CSC)
| 0xE5040000
| 0xE5040000

== Registers ==
== Registers ==
=== IftuRegs ===
=== SceIftu0RegA, SceIftu0RegB, SceIftu1RegA, SceIftu0RegB (plane registers) ===
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Line 50: Line 60:
| 4
| 4
| Interrupt enable. bit 0 = first plane, bit 1 = second plane
| Interrupt enable. bit 0 = first plane, bit 1 = second plane
| 0x054
| 4
| ??
| 0x058
| 4
| ??
| 0x08C
| 0x08C
Line 62: Line 80:
| 4
| 4
| CSC Control. bit 0 = enable CSC
| CSC Control. bit 0 = enable CSC
| 0x104
| 4
| CSC unknown
| 0x108
| 4
| CSC unknown
| 0x10C
| 0x10C
| 4
| 4
| CSC rr
| CSC rr, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x110
| 0x110
| 4
| 4
| CSC rg
| CSC rg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x114
| 0x114
| 4
| 4
| CSC rb
| CSC rb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x118
| 0x118
| 4
| 4
| CSC gr
| CSC gr, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x11C
| 0x11C
| 4
| 4
| CSC gg
| CSC gg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x120
| 0x120
| 4
| 4
| CSC gb
| CSC gb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x124
| 0x124
| 4
| 4
| CSC br
| CSC br, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x128
| 0x128
| 4
| 4
| CSC bg
| CSC bg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x12C
| 0x12C
| 4
| 4
| CSC bb
| CSC bb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x130
| 4
| CSC post-multiplication add (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
| 0x134
| 4
| CSC post-multiplication add (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
| 0x138
| 0x138
| 4
| 4
| CSC rr
| CSC rr, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x13C
| 0x13C
| 4
| 4
| CSC rg
| CSC rg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x140
| 0x140
| 4
| 4
| CSC rb
| CSC rb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x144
| 0x144
| 4
| 4
| CSC gr
| CSC gr, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x148
| 0x148
| 4
| 4
| CSC gg
| CSC gg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x14C
| 0x14C
| 4
| 4
| CSC gb
| CSC gb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x150
| 0x150
| 4
| 4
| CSC br
| CSC br, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x154
| 0x154
| 4
| 4
| CSC bg
| CSC bg, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x158
| 0x158
| 4
| 4
| CSC bb
| CSC bb, S3.9 fixed point format
| 0x15C
| 0x15C
| 4
| 4
| CSC related
| CSC post-multiplication clamp range max (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
| 0x160
| 0x160
| 4
| 4
| CSC related
| CSC post-multiplication clamp range min (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
| 0x164
| 0x164
| 4
| 4
| CSC related
| CSC post-multiplication clamp range max (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
| 0x168
| 0x168
| 4
| 4
| CSC related
| CSC post-multiplication clamp range min (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
| 0x180
| 0x180
| 4
| 4
| Some flags
| Some flags (bilinear filter)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x00
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x00
| 4
| 4
| Physical address
| Source plane 0 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x04
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x04
| 4
| 4
| Unknown
| Source plane 1 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x24
| 4
| Scanout source X (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x28
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x08
| 4
| 4
| Scanout source Y (in (0x100000 / 544) multiples)
| Source plane 2 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x40
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x40
| 4
| 4
| Pixelformat (0x10 = A8B8G8R8)
| Source pixelformat (0x10 = A8B8G8R8)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x44
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x44
| 4
| 4
| Buffer width (aligned to 16)
| Source width (aligned to 16)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x48
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x48
| 4
| 4
| Buffer height (aligned to 8)
| Source height (aligned to 8)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x4C
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x4C
| 4
| 4
| Control register. bit 0 = disable plane?
| Control register. bit 0 = disable plane
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x54
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x54
| 4
| 4
| Leftover stride
| Source leftover stride, <code>((pitch - aligned_width) * bpp)</code>
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x58
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x58
| 4
| 4
| ??
| Source leftover align, if YCbCr: <code>(width >> 1) & 0xF</code> (Chroma align?)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x60
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x60
| 4
| 4
| Vertical front porch
| Framebuffer vertical top padding
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x64
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x64
| 4
| 4
| Vertical back porch
| Framebuffer vertical bottom padding
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x68
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x68
| 4
| 4
| Horizontal front porch
| Framebuffer horizontal left padding
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x6C
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x6C
| 4
| 4
| Horizontal back porch
| Framebuffer horizontal right padding
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x80
| 4
| Destination plane 0 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x84
| 4
| Destination plane 1 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x88
| 4
| Destination plane 2 physical address
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xA0
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xA0
Line 222: Line 264:
| 4
| 4
| Destination height
| Destination height
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xB4
| 4
| Destination leftover stride, <code>((pitch - aligned_width) * bpp)</code>
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xB8
| 4
| Destination leftover align, if YCbCr: <code>(width >> 1) & 0xF</code> (Chroma align?)
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC0
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC0
| 4
| 4
| Scanout source width (in (0x100000 / 960) multiples)
| Scanout source width in 16.16 fixed point ratio of the destination width
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC4
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC4
| 4
| 4
| Scanout source height (in (0x100000 / 544) multiples)
| Scanout source height in 16.16 fixed point ratio of the destination width
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC8
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC8
Line 241: Line 291:
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD0
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD0
| 4
| 4
| Scanout destination width
| Scanout source X in 4.4 fixed point
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD4
| 0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD4
| 4
| 4
| Scanout destination height
| Scanout source Y in 4.4 fixed point

Where n can be 0 and 1. n = 0 configures the plane for the CRTC 0 (OLED/LCD) scanout, and n = 1 configures the plane for the CRTC 1 (HDMI) scanout.
=== SceIftuc0Reg, SceIftuc1Reg (control registers) ===

=== IftucRegs (control registers?) ===
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Line 265: Line 314:
| Plane control register. bit 0 = enable alpha blending, bit 2 = enable first plane, bit 4 = enable second plane.
| Plane control register. bit 0 = enable alpha blending, bit 2 = enable first plane, bit 4 = enable second plane.
| 0x10 + i * 0x8 + 0x00
| 0x10
| 4
| RegA configuration selector: bit 0 = Use the first (offset 0x2XX) or second (offset 0x3XX) configuration
| 0x14
| 4
| RegA unk
| 0x18
| 4
| 4
| bit 0 = Enable Engine 0 (OLED/LCD) or Engine 1 (HDMI) ?
| RegB configuration selector: bit 0 = Use the first (offset 0x2XX) or second (offset 0x3XX) configuration
| 0x10 + i * 0x8 + 0x04
| 0x1C
| 4
| 4
| ??
| RegB unk
| 0x20
| 0x20
| 4
| 4
| Alpha control register. bit 2 = enable alpha blending.
| Blending control register. bit 1 = additive blending. bit 0 = subtractive blending.

Where i can be 0 or 1 for RegA or RegB.
== Pixelformats ==
{| class='wikitable'
! Format
! Value
| BGR565
| 0x01
| RGB565
| 0x02
| BGRA5551
| 0x04
| RGBA5551
| 0x08
| BGRX8888
| 0x10
| RGBX8888
| 0x20
| BGRA1010102
| 0x40
| RGBA1010102
| 0x80
| 0x100
| 0x1000
| 0x2000
| RGBA1010102_MULT
| 0x4000
| RGBA1010102_MULT
| 0x8000
| NV12
| 0x10000
| YCBCR420
| 0x20000
| YCBCR422
| 0x200000
=== SceIftu2Reg ===
Probably CSC (see [[SceLowio#sceIftuConvertForDriver]]). See also [[Pervasive]]. To be documented.

Latest revision as of 23:49, 6 January 2022

IFTU stands for Integrated Facility Terminating Unit. Related to Display, to MIPI (Mobile Industry Processor Interface) DSI (Display Serial Interface), to CSC (Color Space Conversion).

IFTU Definition

Look [1] at chapter Facility Terminating Unit and Integrated Facility Terminating Unit.

MMIO Interfaces

Name Physical address
SceIftu0RegA (OLED/LCD FB) 0xE5020000
SceIftu0RegB 0xE5021000
SceIftuc0Reg 0xE5022000
SceIftu1RegA (HDMI FB) 0xE5030000
SceIftu1RegB 0xE5031000
SceIftuc1Reg 0xE5032000
SceIftu2Reg (probably CSC) 0xE5040000


SceIftu0RegA, SceIftu0RegB, SceIftu1RegA, SceIftu0RegB (plane registers)

Offset Size Description
0x000 4 Control register: bit 0 = enable?, bit 2 = ??, bit 3 = ??
0x004 4 CRTC mask: bit 0 = enable scanout to engine/CRTC of OLED/LCD, bit 1 = enable scanout to engine/CRTC of HDMI
0x040 4 Interrupts (read = triggered interrupts, write = clear interrupt)
0x050 4 Interrupt enable. bit 0 = first plane, bit 1 = second plane
0x054 4 ??
0x058 4 ??
0x08C 4 Alpha value (transparency) from 0x00 to 0xFF
0x0A0 4 Alpha control: (bit 0 = disable alpha blending)
0x100 4 CSC Control. bit 0 = enable CSC
0x104 4 CSC unknown
0x108 4 CSC unknown
0x10C 4 CSC rr, S3.9 fixed point format
0x110 4 CSC rg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x114 4 CSC rb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x118 4 CSC gr, S3.9 fixed point format
0x11C 4 CSC gg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x120 4 CSC gb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x124 4 CSC br, S3.9 fixed point format
0x128 4 CSC bg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x12C 4 CSC bb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x130 4 CSC post-multiplication add (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
0x134 4 CSC post-multiplication add (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
0x138 4 CSC rr, S3.9 fixed point format
0x13C 4 CSC rg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x140 4 CSC rb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x144 4 CSC gr, S3.9 fixed point format
0x148 4 CSC gg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x14C 4 CSC gb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x150 4 CSC br, S3.9 fixed point format
0x154 4 CSC bg, S3.9 fixed point format
0x158 4 CSC bb, S3.9 fixed point format
0x15C 4 CSC post-multiplication clamp range max (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
0x160 4 CSC post-multiplication clamp range min (fb plane 0), 10-bit int
0x164 4 CSC post-multiplication clamp range max (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
0x168 4 CSC post-multiplication clamp range min (fb planes 1 and 2), 10-bit int
0x180 4 Some flags (bilinear filter)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x00 4 Source plane 0 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x04 4 Source plane 1 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x08 4 Source plane 2 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x40 4 Source pixelformat (0x10 = A8B8G8R8)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x44 4 Source width (aligned to 16)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x48 4 Source height (aligned to 8)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x4C 4 Control register. bit 0 = disable plane
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x54 4 Source leftover stride, ((pitch - aligned_width) * bpp)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x58 4 Source leftover align, if YCbCr: (width >> 1) & 0xF (Chroma align?)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x60 4 Framebuffer vertical top padding
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x64 4 Framebuffer vertical bottom padding
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x68 4 Framebuffer horizontal left padding
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x6C 4 Framebuffer horizontal right padding
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x80 4 Destination plane 0 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x84 4 Destination plane 1 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0x88 4 Destination plane 2 physical address
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xA0 4 Destination pixelformat
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xA4 4 Destination width
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xA8 4 Destination height
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xB4 4 Destination leftover stride, ((pitch - aligned_width) * bpp)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xB8 4 Destination leftover align, if YCbCr: (width >> 1) & 0xF (Chroma align?)
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC0 4 Scanout source width in 16.16 fixed point ratio of the destination width
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC4 4 Scanout source height in 16.16 fixed point ratio of the destination width
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xC8 4 Scanout destination X
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xCC 4 Scanout destination Y
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD0 4 Scanout source X in 4.4 fixed point
0x200 + n * 0x100 + 0xD4 4 Scanout source Y in 4.4 fixed point

SceIftuc0Reg, SceIftuc1Reg (control registers)

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Control register. bit 0 = enable engine.
0x04 4 Plane control register. bit 0 = enable alpha blending, bit 2 = enable first plane, bit 4 = enable second plane.
0x10 4 RegA configuration selector: bit 0 = Use the first (offset 0x2XX) or second (offset 0x3XX) configuration
0x14 4 RegA unk
0x18 4 RegB configuration selector: bit 0 = Use the first (offset 0x2XX) or second (offset 0x3XX) configuration
0x1C 4 RegB unk
0x20 4 Blending control register. bit 1 = additive blending. bit 0 = subtractive blending.


Format Value
BGR565 0x01
RGB565 0x02
BGRA5551 0x04
RGBA5551 0x08
BGRX8888 0x10
RGBX8888 0x20
BGRA1010102 0x40
RGBA1010102 0x80
BGRP 0x100
RGBX8888_MULT 0x1000
BGRX8888_MULT 0x2000
RGBA1010102_MULT 0x4000
RGBA1010102_MULT 0x8000
NV12 0x10000
YCBCR420 0x20000
YCBCR422 0x200000


Probably CSC (see SceLowio#sceIftuConvertForDriver). See also Pervasive. To be documented.