UART Registers

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PSVita has 7 UART ports (devices) numbered from 0 to 6. The i-th port has its base registers address at SceUartReg + i * 0x10000. Known ports are listed in UART Console.

The clock generator configuration for each of these ports is at SceUartClkgenReg + i * 4.

MMIO Interfaces

Name Physical address Size
SceUartReg 0xE2030000 0x70000
SceUartClkgenReg 0xE3105000 0x1000

SceUartReg registers

NOTE: the interface is only 0x80 bytes long, but repeats to fill the 0x10000-byte window allocated to each UART controller.

Offset Size Description
0x04 4 Enable port (1 = enable, 0 = disable)
0x10 4 ??
0x1C 4 ??
0x20 4 ??
0x28 4 Port status
0x30 4 ??
0x40 4 ?? A 0 is written here
0x50 4 ??
0x54 4 A 0x77F is written here after reading from the FIFO
0x60 4 ??
0x64 4 ?? A 0x10001 is written here
0x68 4 Read FIFO data available
0x70 4 Write FIFO
0x78 4 Read FIFO

Port status

Bit(s) Description
8 Write FIFO not full (0 = full)
9 Port ready (0 = busy)

Read FIFO data available

Bit(s) Description
0-5 Number of words available to read
6-31 Unused

SceUartClkgenReg registers

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 Clock generator for port 0
0x04 4 Clock generator for port 1
0x08 4 Clock generator for port 2
0x0C 4 Clock generator for port 3
0x10 4 Clock generator for port 4
0x14 4 Clock generator for port 5
0x18 4 Clock generator for port 6

Baud rate to SceUartClkgenReg register value

Baud rate Register value
300 0x12710
600 0x11388
1200 0x109C4
2400 0x104E2
4800 0x10271
9600 0x10139
14400 0x100D0
19200 0x1009C
28800 0x10068
38400 0x1004E
57600 0x10034
115200 0x1001A
230400 0x1000D
250000 0x1000C
460800 0x2001A
921600 0x2000D
3000000 0x10001